Chapter 12

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I looked around in the sky, I couldn't see shit. We followed behind Soap and watched the skies. "Si. Get to a firing position. We'll take them by surprise." Alejandro started climbing another over another ledge.
"Which way to the bridge?" Ghost asked him, "Straight ahead. Past the helo. They'll try to cut us off."
"We'll have to go through them."
Alejandro positioned himself behind a tree, i had nearly no ammo left, I waltzed my way over to him and grabbed some ammo out of his vest pocket.
I reloaded my weapon and hid behind another boulder, the Mexican Army were straight ahead of us.
"Weapons free!"

Another soldier came out of nowhere shouting obscure things in Spanish. I peaked out and shot at who I think said those, "Oh my god- that guy has an RPG or-"
My thoughts were cut short as I was literally almost fucking shot. I hid and turned to look at Soap, "You know what I could be doing right now? I could be relaxing." "Bet your feeling real lucky today huh LT?" "Very." "That reminds me. We didn't see you last night during the movie. You decided not to come?" Memories from last night came rushing back, and my face started to heat up. "Something like that."

"Enemy reinforcements!"
I got back out and shot more of whoever the fuck I could. "This is not optimal at all."

I turned and thought I saw someone, "Hey- is there someone right there?-" I used my scope and almost shot him, but upon closer inspection, it was just Rodriguez.
Not me almost shooting someone on my side.

Rodriguez and Ghost seemed so in sync.
"Up the hill, the bridge isn't far!"
I reloaded my weapon again because it's all I can do at the moment. "They may position shooters out here. Watch your backs." Well shit.

Alejandro ran to an opening cliff, I walked around to check out their weapons. I might want one. "Top of the hill, Lieutenant. We're moving."
I rolled my eyes, Ghost doesn't tell me what to do or where to go. Unless we're in his room. If you know what I mean.

Nothing here looks interesting. I'll stick with what I have for now I guess.
"There's the bridge." "No visual on extraction."
"Comms didn't get through. Hijo de puta."
"We'll radio when we're down there."
"This way." I stood next to Alejandro, the jump down was a risk of breaking bones. I jumped anyways, lost my footing, and landed on my stomach. "Fuck!" "Watch your footing here."
Alejandro helped me up onto my feet. Thank god nothing was broken. "Estos acantilados son peligrosos."
"You know your way?"
"We used to cut school and play here."
I jumped down another ledge behind Alejandro and Rodriguez. "Until the cartels moved in?" Soap asked him.
"Exactly. The narcos changed everything."
This next part was tricky, a single wrong move and you'll fall to your death. Holding onto whatever I could. A shot between me and Rodriguez was fired. "Sniper, move!"
"Oh for fucks sake-" Another shot was fired and Rodriguez's body fell forwards down the cliff.
I did my best to speed the fuck up and run before I was the next victim of this wipe out.
We hurried on after Alejandro. "Snipers down!" Oh thank fuck. "Bloody good shot mate." Soap and Ghost were straight behind me. I looked over the ledge in search of our fallen comrade. Nothing.

Ghost and Soap climbed up onto another ledge. I followed swiftly. "Army's still trailing us."
"We'll gain some ground."
This next part I had to jump even lower down below. Fucking hell.
I held in my breath and jumped down. Landing on my stomach again. This hurt even more than the last one. Pushing through the aching pain of my body. I stood up and continued running.

Sliding down a ledge and climbing over another, we came to a stop. Looking down at the view there was the river. "You led us to a dead end, mate."
"We jump from here! Don't lose your weapon!" Alejandro jumped down and landed into the water.

"Oh I'm not doing this." I backed away from the ledge. "You don't got a choice let's go. Your turn, Sergeant!" Soap followed after Alejandro and jumped.
"Lieutenant. Go. Now." I looked at Ghost, then looked down below. I took a deep breath in and jumped.

Nothing. I couldn't think of anything. Nothing was happening. Yet so much was happening all at once.
I felt free. Free of the worlds problems. Until I was slapped by the water down below and everything came rushing back. Disappointing.

"You good hermanos?" Alejandro's voice brought me back from my inner thoughts. I rose back up to the surface of the water and took a deep breath of air.
"Alive." Alive for now.
I looked around for him, I heard thrashing of water behind me. I turned and saw Soap. "Breathing."
"Move down river to the bridge. Use the rocks for cover. All stations this is Victor-0-1. How copy?"
"—dow-1! Do you—? -ay again, -o you re—?"
A voice cut in and out. Better than nothing. "Radios picking up something." "Sounds American."
"Here they come. Weapons free!"
Shots were fired at us, Jesus Christ we can never get a break.
I swim under and hear muffled voices and shots.
"Contact front."
I follow Alejandro, Soap and Ghost behind me.
"Use the rocks for cover." We, under the cover of boulders in the water, shoot back at the Soldiers.
It's not a lot of cover but it's better than being out in the open. "Army reinforcements rolling in."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

I can't seem to get a good aim behind these rocks. I need to somehow figure this out without getting shot. I'm having to fight against the water current.
It's not helping at all. "Kinda wishing I had a pistol right now." I shot away at whoever was closest and most in my view.
"Keep pushing up river."
We swam up the river, guns trailed on the trees. I decided to go under, as that'll be faster.
Ghost was positioned behind a boulder, Alejandro, Soap and I resurfaced beside him.
Alejandro was the first to see them coming. I swam back a bit to get a better view and shot at multiple men. Their bodies laying on the ground, unmoving.
"Move up river! Go!"

We dove under water again, swimming under a fallen tree. "Enemy vehicles! Right bank!" Not gonna lie, I kinda don't want to resurface. I think I'm good down here.
I resurface anyways and help out the others in killing the endless amount of people that just keep on coming back. "The rivers slowing us down, mate!" "It gets shallow up ahead."
I shoot a guy who stupidly walks out from behind a tree. 3 shots is all it took to kill him.
"Swim up! Keep moving!"
Alejandro and Soap move up as Ghost and I cover them from all angles.
I noticed a truck parked not too far, I rip a grenade off my vest and throw it. I looked over at Ghost, who was already looking at me. "Just in case." I shrugged.
I dove under to catch up to Soap and Alejandro. "Vehicles on the bridge!"
"They're not ours!"
I look closer at the vehicles, "Fuck! It's the army!"
"Get to cover!"
"We have to hold here and get extraction."
"We can't do shite against that armor!" Soap pointed out.

Moments away from embracing death itself, we shot back at the army. Not giving up for shit. "This is shadow! Engaging the bridge north of your position. Danger close!" Never thought I'd be so thrilled to hear Graves voice.

"Who the hell is that?" Alejandro seemed skeptical, "Commander Graves. Shadow Company. They're with us."

Missiles were shot at the bridge. Thank fucking god. "Shadow-1, Bravo 0-7. Good shots. Fire for effect."
The bridge collapsed on itself. Taking everyone on it down. "All stations no enemy movement detected. You're clear. Good to see you boys."

That's right I'm a man now.

"Likewise." I interrupted, at the other end Graves chuckled, "Nice to hear you again, Lieutenant (L/n)." "Mhm." I wasn't very fond of Graves. In all our previous missions, he was well.. bossy. I didn't like that. 

"This way." Alejandro rose up from his position and ran towards land. "Graves, we've located a vehicle for exfil." "Roger that. Be advised, we got a possible hit on Hassan, two clicks north of your position."
Alejandro ran along the pathway, us following behind, "That's cartel land. They have a compound there." We were led straight to a truck, "Load in."
Soap quickly opened the passengers door, "Let's roll."
No fair. I wanted to be the passenger princess.
"I'll drive, "Alejandro got into the drivers seat. That left the back for Ghost and I.

"You boys good to roll up Hassan with some fire from the sky?" Soap looked back at me and Ghost. "Let's wrap this fucker up. Graves."

"Solid copy. We are pushing to the target directly, Shadow-1 out."

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now