Chapter 2

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"Air strikes are hitting enemy positions bordering Al Mazrah. Intel confirms a concentration of AQ fighters converging in the valley. We believe they're protecting something. Surveillance indicates soldiers guarding three structures. Major Hassan may be holed up inside. Ghost, Soap, and (L/n) will lead a Marine Special Operations unit to kill or capture Hassan tonight. One helo will insert two teams at separate offset points bordering the target area. Bravo team will sweep and clear buildings one and two. Alpha team takes building three. All shooters have execute authority but we want Hassan alive for interrogation. And be advised. Major Hassan is AQ's lifeline. If he is there, they will die for him. Good hunting..."


As the plane landed, Ghost immediately stood up and was engulfed in red light, he walked down the aisle of soldiers. This really had an affect on me. He looked so attractive in red light. "Bravo team offloads here. Alpha team stays onboard to land downrange. Both teams meet in the middle. Remember, we want Hassan alive." He stops in front of the hangers doors, and turns around to face everyone. "But this is capture or kill." His eyes linger on me for a second, they seemed to have darkened in the red light. He turns away as everyone stands up. Oh my god what just happened-
Soap fist bumps a fellow soldier. "Ladies let's get a move on." Soap lightly chuckles, "Keep up Soap." Ghost tells him.

As the last of us gets off the plane, the rest of the squad remains seated and takes off.

I quickly pull down a piece of headwear and activate night vision.

"Razor-1, all bravo deployed. Moving to secondary HLZ."
Following behind the others, I aim my weapon at every corner. Expecting an ambush. We pass by walls of stone, probably once a building or a small house.
"All stations- Razor-1 is bracketed, we're getting lit! Incoming- Flares! Flares!"

"Oh shit." I use the scope of my sniper to get a better view of what's going on in the sky. "Whew, shit that was close." Another soldier exhaled, "Second missile!" "OH FUCK-"

Not even two blinks later the plane came crashing down. "Razor 1 going down! We're going down!"

"Hold up." Everyone was positioned on a small hill. Aiming their guns and snipers at the crash site. I was beside Ghost, he leaned into the com, "Alpha, what's your status?" Coughing could be heard coming from the radio. "Alpha, how copy...?" Ghost repeated.
"Bravo- Alpha is immobile. Multiple critical." Another voice answered, "Oh shit- We're taking effective fire!"

"Alpha, we're moving to building 1. Hold tight."
I look at Ghost in disbelief, "Ghost, we need to secure that crash site now." He didn't bother to look at me, "First, we clear for Hassan, that takes the heat off of Alpha. Then we secure the crash site. Clear?" I sighed, "Roger that, sir."

"Let's move." Everyone made a break for building 1. I followed close behind. Passing by fences, gardens now trashed and devoid of life.

"Force up to the house." The building looked somewhat broken down. It looked rather old. I look through my scope again and aim it at the crash site, in hopes of seeing survivors.

Off in the distance I hear the enemy shouting orders, "Bring more ammo! Fast! Fast! Fire at the helicopter! They will send others to help them!"

Ghost and another soldier were on each side of the front door. The soldier beside Ghost handed him a huge fucking hammer. "Breather up." Ghost smashed the door in, and as expected there were enemy soldiers inside. "Sweep through!" I quickly shot at the first one I saw. Headshot. Blood splattered against the wall. He lay there on the ground, a hole through his head. The next victim shot right at me, but I was quick to move and shoot him in the stomach. He fell over and another soldier blasted him through the face. What a way to go. Everyone started moving into the house, I followed behind Soap.

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now