Chapter 18

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"A pleasure to do so."

His right hand lowered itself to my exposed thighs and he raised the dress up slightly, his fingers brushed up against my clothed clit.

"Mm.. you seem quite ready for me already," he slowly moved his thumb over my panties, feeling the wet that was covering the area.

His left hand cupped my chin and turned my face to the side, his hot breath just above my neck, barely touching my skin.

"But I think I'd like to have a bit of.. fun with you."

His lips made contact with my neck, and decorated it with light kisses.

He flipped me around and I was pushed against the wall. "As much as I love seeing you in this dress..."

He fumbled with the barely visible zipper on the back of the dress, pulling it down swiftly to expose my bare back.

He wasted no time, grabbing the dress from the top, pulling it down and letting it fall to the ground. My heels being the only accessory left on me. My body made contact with the cold wall and I shivered. "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll warm you up."

He turned me back around, keeping his hands on my shoulders, taking in my figure. "Oh.. look at you.. sweet girl.."

My face felt hot as he wrapped his hands around my thighs and lifted me up against him. He let out an exasperated sigh against my lips as his clothed cock rubbed up against my cunt, throbbing against him, begging to be touched and fucked raw.

His lips made sudden contact with my own. The kiss was rough and needy, it made my head spin. He tasted like bourbon and it was addicting.

His tongue swiped across my bottom lip, begging for entrance, and when my lips opened the slightest amount, he wasted no time in exploring.

This kiss was filled with hunger. He gently set me onto the counter, standing between my legs, which were now instinctively wrapped around his torso.

His calloused hands traveled up and down my thighs, squeezing occasionally, and the simple act sent shivers down my body.

He set me on the edge of the counter and stepped back, removing his vest and dress shirt that concealed his upper body.

I stared at the man before me in awe, I had never seen this much of him. Scars littered his chest, each had a story. He adjusted his dog tag and let it fall back onto his chest

So fucking hot.

He discarded his clothing to the side and attached himself to me once again. Squeezing my thighs again with those big hands and trailing his lips down my throat. I ran my hands up his arms to rest on his shoulders.

It was clear to see his senses screamed at him to take, to fuck, to mark me as his. I needed that. I craved that.

I slightly grinded against him and he held my hips in place.

"Not yet sweetheart. You don't deserve to get all of me. Not with the way you acted back there." He was torturing the both of us by holding back.

His lips continued their trail down and onto my breasts, letting his tongue swirl around my hard nipple. He lightly sucked and retracted his mouth with a pop.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, and he turned his attention to my face. Tracing his thumb over my bottom lip, "It's getting harder to not fuck you senseless.. princess."

Those words went directly to my cunt, warmth spreading around her.

The corner of his lips tugged upwards into a smirk as he wrapped his hands around my thighs, spreading them open.

No time to die // Simon (GHOST) Riley/ HAITUSWhere stories live. Discover now