Year 1: First Month, Part 2

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The clang of steel against steel filled the air.
Estella watched as Nox sidestepped his teacher, Lord Rafias, then swung Erebos upward. The black tip passed through empty air, mere inches from Lord Rafias's chin, but that didn't deter the lancer. With a speed that matched his lithe body, Lord Rafias thrust his Animarta forward.

Nox froze as the golden tip pressed lightly on his throat.
The gathered students broke into applause, including Estella. She had been watching the lesson for several minutes now, leaning on a wall. The western training ground spanned sixty feet across in a square, and it was here that Lord Rafias held his Intermediate Combat lessons for the day.

As always, he chose the top enrollee of the school year for his usual demonstrations, just like he did when Estella first arrived here.

"Now then, Mr. Stigan, can you tell me what went wrong with our duel today? Lord Rafias asked after dismissing his Animarta.

Estella could see Nox frowning for a moment. Then his lips moved, but his voice was much too low for her to hear.

Lord Rafias nodded, as did many of the students nearby. "Indeed," the lancer said, "your form is exceptional and you have a good grasp of the technique we are practicing today. But your footwork needs improvement. You're a swordsman, Mr. Stigan. And unless you move as fluid as a calm river, you will find yourself always losing against an opponent with a longer reach. Like you did a few minutes ago."

Nox bowed in response before joining the rest of his classmates. The class went for twenty more minutes, during which Lord Rafias continued his lecture about the technique he was teaching them. Twice more he had someone performed a mock duel with him. The second student fared no better than Nox, even with his Wind-forged rapier, while the third one managed to keep Lord Rafias on the defensive for a minute before ultimately being defeated by a clever feint.

When the class ended, Nox was the first one to leave, slipping away before most could notice.

Estella tracked him for a few seconds before curiosity won over and she decided to follow. She caught up to him in a minute, and their footsteps echoed in the empty corridor that led to the East Wing.

"Don't you have classes to attend to?" Nox asked her without breaking stride, his eyes fixed ahead.

Estella shrugged. "I still have time. So, what's your next lesson?"

He was silent for a moment. Then he stopped, turning to her with a frown. "Are you really going to watch me in each of my classes?"

"I have to if I want to make you my Squire," she answered.

"Because you haven't chosen yet."

"Because none passes my standards."

Nox's eyebrows rose. "And what is required to pass your standards?"

"Perfection," Estella said without hesitation. "An excellent grasp of magic, excellent fighting skills, and a rare form of Animarta. Someone who could match me in everything."

"Someone who could defeat you," Nox said. He shook his head. "Good luck with that, Princess."

She stiffened at that. No one had called her that here, not unless they wanted the tip of Astra grazing their throats. And the last time someone did, it almost went badly for them.

Her fingers curled slightly, but she relaxed and strode past him without so much as a glance.

She never bothered to come and watch him in his next class.


Days passed. Estella continued her studies, but she had stopped watching Nox.

The Princess of Light and The Knight of ShadowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora