Year 2: Sixth Month, Part 4

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When Headmaster Alzeron stepped into view, Nox already had an idea how difficult it would to fulfill King Esaros's condition.

Robed in pure black, towering over his students, the former High Mage of Thurin strode at their head, his dark eyes fixed on the king. With an elegant bow, he said, "An honor to meet you once more on this day, King Esaros."

The king dipped his head. "I trust that the journey went well, Headmaster."

Alzeron smiled. "Barring an unfortunate wyvern who dared to attack us while crossing the Atrusa province, and which Mr. Brugg slew easily, our journey has been peaceful."

Nox winced, and he sensed Estella's annoyance through their mental link. He had only been in Atrusa once, on his way to the Academy, and he knew that its skies were mostly free of monsters.

Did he just imply that our security is lacking? Estella demanded.

Possibly. But don't let that affect you. It may be that he is still bitter about his and his twin's loss.

King Esaros didn't seem affected, though Nox couldn't see his expression from behind. "That is unfortunate to hear, Headmaster. But never fear. When my schedule permits, I will personally eradicate every wyvern nest I would find."

The reaction was immediate. Alzeron's eyes darken with fury, though his smile, now stiff and cold, remained on his face. "I will appreciate that, King Esaros, for the sake of other travelers as well."

Nox heard snickering. When he looked, Estella and Luciana were both whispering with glee. Look at him, Estella told him. He looked like he just bit on a sour fruit!

The Thurinian Headmaster moved down the welcoming group, exchanging pleasantries and, in the case of Headmaster Garion, a few veiled insults. When he reached Estella, his smile grew warm. "Ah, Dame Estella, I presume? I've heard so much about you, Princess."

Nox turned to look at his girlfriend immediately. She looked just as clueless, but she smiled with the grace and politeness befitting her station. "I'm afraid I don't understand, Headmaster."

"And a humble one!" He laughed. "Still, it's no easy feat to kill a Remnant. You must be proud of that."

Estella's grace, unfortunately, vanished at that comment, her mouth forming a perfect circle. "I do not know where—"

"Estella's achievement is not widely bandied about in Faven, Headmaster," the king interjected, "mostly because it nearly cost my daughter's, and her Squire's, life. It was the Celestials' will that they have even survived."

Alzeron nodded. "It must be a traumatizing experience, Princess. My condolences." He turned to Nox. "And who is this young man?"

"Sir Nox Stigan," Estella answered with pride. "Faven's only Shadow Wielder, and my future husband."

The headmaster's gaze sharpened. "A Shadow Wielder here in Faven? Intriguing." He tilted his head, inspecting him closely. Then he smiled.

Nox didn't like the smile.

As the Headmaster proceeded with the king's entourage, she glanced at Nox, her eyebrows knitted. Did father spread the word that I killed that Remnant?

Probably, he said, still eyeing the Thurinian Headmaster walking along the school grounds.

"What is it, love?" Estella said.


At least, he hoped it was nothing.


The grand feast was held in the northern training grounds.

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