Year 1: Eight Month, Part 4

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The test started before sunrise, when the forest was still enveloped by the last vestiges of evening darkness and most of its inhabitants were preparing to retreat into their dens.

They were given three days to find the Yvela Blossoms—a short time for most to fulfill such a dangerous task. Thankfully, the special bracelets they were provided allowed them to request for help if the situation was dire.

Estella vowed never to use them, especially with how they plan to acquire the Blossoms.

The Headmaster sent them off in pairs with a riddle to help them locate the flowers: Yvela's tears lead to her dying heart, where her dreams bloom for all to see. And it was a clever riddle, especially for those who didn't know the story of Yvela.

Of course, Estella didn't know, either. But Aldros had told her the exact location, so there was no need to research about that. She was more concerned with the beasts that the Forsaken Forest nurtured, and how she and Nox would defeat one they might encounter.

"Yvela's story is actually good," Nox began as they pressed onward through a dense underbrush. "Tragic and depressing, but good."

Estella was in no mood for a tragic and depressing story considering where they were, but listening to it was probably better than entertaining thoughts of bloody fangs and tearing flesh.

"Tell me."

And so Nox began a complex tale of love and tragedy spanning decades and involving the forest spirit Yvela falling in love with a demon. "Yvela died as she cried her heart out for the demon who sacrificed his life for her, hence the river called Yvela's Tears. After her body is buried, flowers bloomed where she was laid to rest, a symbol of her dream of a life where she could be with her lover."

"What's the demon's name?"

"No one knows. It was never recorded."

The sun was high in the sky when they stopped for rest and a light snack. There was a tree whose bark was a darker shade of grey, almost black, even in broad daylight. Its branches were gnarled fingers reaching into the sky, and beneath were twisted roots that formed a small hollow where three people could feet.

It was a good place to hide from prying eyes, so they ate inside with relative comfort and ease, discussing the route they were taking next.

"We've already covered at least a quarter." Estella studied the map while taking a bite from a wheat bread slathered with butter. "At this rate,we'll reach it by evening."

"But we won't go there immediately." Nox tapped the encircled location. "We'll have to wait until daybreak so no one would get suspicious."

Estella nodded. It was not just arousing suspicion that she was worried about but also the dangers that darkness possessed. Nox may be stronger in the evening and could protect them, but Estella didn't want to take their chances in a forest that had claimed so many lives, even if it was deemed safe by its own creators.

The rest of the journey was uneventful. By noon they could already hear the gentle rush of Yvela's Tears, and it was not long before the river came into view, snaking from south to north-west.

Following it would be unnecessary since they already knew the Blossoms' location. Besides, this was a water source, and a water source attracts many creatures.

They didn't fill up their waterskins either, even if the Caretakers had said that it was perfectly safe for consumption. They still had enough for three days, and if needed, Nox could just use his ice magic to replenish their stock.

The more they drew closer to the Blossoms, the more Estella grew anxious. She glanced in every direction ahead of them, expecting some terrifying monster to jump at them every minute.

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