Year 1: Seventh Month, Part 2

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Estella stared at herself in the mirror.

As a princess, she knew how to dress up nicely to make every head turn to her. It was one of the most important lessons her mother, and later the Queen, had thought her. She had been in plenty of balls and dinner parties, and though she was never as experienced as Luciana, she had learned a lot during those events.

But she was dressing to impress lords and ladies, generals and merchants, diplomats and envoys; rich individuals who expected her to act as she should, a princess and a future general of the kingdom.

Estella had rarely dressed to impress for just one person. And not just any other person, but her squire, her pupil, her friend. Her...

She frowned, turning her body this way and that, clad in nothing but her nightwear. She had asked Nox if they could visit the city of Sildas tomorrow, less than an hour's ride from the academy. It was finally winter break, and there was nothing better to do than see the sights this province had to offer.

It didn't take her long to convince Nox. She had forbidden him to train or even study for the rest of the break. "Foundation Day is the time to relax and enjoy vacation," she had told him earlier during dinner. He was reluctant, but unlike before, it was easier to talk him out of it.

Which brought Estella back to her problem; what was she going to wear? Her school uniform was out of the list. The dresses she used for parties wouldn't fit the occasion, either. That only left her casual clothes, but would Nox even like them?

Humming in thought, she opened her drawer and surveyed her collection with a critical eye. Aldros would already be asleep by this hour, so she couldn't ask him for help. Besides, this was her problem.

If Nox like one of her previous lovers, Estella would have chosen something a bit provocative, just enough to tease him all throughout the day. But Nox wasn't like them. Sure, he sometimes responded on her teases on rare occasions. But oftentimes, he treated her properly and with respect befitting their relationship as master and student.

A little frustrating at times, but that was just one of the many things she loved about him.

Her hand froze on a blue cocktail dress. Love. Did she love him?

Estella glanced at the box next to her bed wherein lay her current work in progress. She had yet to finish it; Nox's expression was easy, but his eyes were quite challenging. That's why she needed an inspiration.

Did she love him? The question tickled her mind, and her heart seemed to beat a little faster. It was not love... Maybe? She was attracted to him, that much was certain. And yet she wouldn't consider it love. Not yet.

"What's happening to me?" she muttered. The more she thought about it, the more her heart drummed faster. It's not love. He's just her squire. He didn't see her that way. It's not love. He's not even reciprocating her subtle advances and...

No. No. Those weren't advances. She's just teasing him. Because she liked teasing him. She wanted to see his smile, his embarrassed expressions, sometimes irritated and annoyed. She wanted...

She wanted him. All of him. Badly.


The next day dawned bright and clear, almost as if the weather wanted to reflect Estella's mood.

She wanted Nox. She knew it the moment they had kissed inside a small storage room near the dining hall. She knew it the moment their bond formed between them.

And he had become hers; her friend, her squire. But this new feeling was different. Stronger, fiercer. She kept her mind hidden from him since then, even though a questioning thought from Nox often lingered at the edge of her consciousness. Estella didn't bother acknowledging it.

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