Year 2: First Month, Part 2

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"Ireela Raevin."


"Erian Dauros."


"Nox Stigan?"


Nox sighed. Why was Estella here as a teacher? Did something happened? He was sure that she had already been assigned to an army judging by her hints in her last letter. But here she was, teaching him once more like nothing had changed.

Did she plan this? Why? To be with me? Nox tried to think of any other reason, but no plausible answer came to his mind except for himself.

Should there be any other reason? her thought flowed to him.

He sighed and listened as Estella launched into an introduction of her role and what the students should expect from her lessons. Clear, concise, and to the point, commanding authority and attention, as she always had been...

...or at least that's what he had expected.

Nox watched in concern as Estella cleared her throat every minute, her breathing irregular, her hands trembling imperceptibly. She was managing her control quite well—he doubted if most would notice her stiffness—but through their Resonance he could feel waves of anxiety as she elaborated on her teaching methods.

Ella, are you all right?

It took her a second to respond. Yes. A brief pause. I missed you.

He smiled. As I missed you. You look nervous, though. Relax.

Sorry. I'm not used to this.

You taught me. You were never nervous teaching me.

Because it was you.

Well, I'm still your student now... Master.

The effect was almost immediate. Their eyes met, and a wall surrounded Estella's mind, blocking out all thoughts except him. Her breathing stabilized, her speech growing more confident.

She continued explaining the new subject: Animarta. Unlike other classes, only the top forty students across all three levels were allowed to attend Estella's class where they would learn all about this single topic. It was an interesting choice, and Nox wanted to know what else she could impart that they had not gone over last school year.

Come to my room tonight and I can give you a private lesson, she teased.

Nox resisted the urge to palm his face. He didn't miss the desire in her thoughts, and he too wanted nothing more than to reignite the fire that consumed them that night three months ago.

But you're not sure, the thought came.

Oh, he was sure. And he planned on indulging his lover later. However, the saner part of him knew that any incident might reflect on Estella's image as a teacher. And that was something he wanted to avoid.

He shook his head, the beginning of a headache creeping up the base of his skull even as Estella laid out the curriculum for the next three months. Most of them were taken directly from other subjects but more refined and focused, with emphasis on wielding an Animarta.

"Now for your first lecture today," Estella said, "who can tell me about the origins of the Wielders?"

The first years murmured while the second and third years remained silent in favor of letting the juniors answer it. There was an unspoken rule within the seniors never to help the first years in any way or form unless they were Knight and Squire.

The Princess of Light and The Knight of Shadowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें