Year 1: Seventh Month, Part 4

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The days passed by, and soon Foundation Day arrived. And each night, Estella poured her heart and feelings into the canvas.

Morning came. The entire academy was in a festive mood, every available spot decorated with colorful banners and flowers. The trees in the garden were draped in silks of gold, blue, and red—the colors of Favenia.

Estella had written letters to her family a few days ago. They knew about Nox—she always kept them informed of her school life—but she kept her feelings for him a secret. They had a habit of jumping into conclusions, and she didn't want to put her squire in a position where he wouldn't be able to make a choice.

Their responses arrived that morning, talking about how much they missed, how they wished she was with them. Estella was heartened, and it gave her strength to do what she planned to do.

A small celebration was held in the Great Hall, presided by the Headmaster. Only less than fifty students had stayed behind, so it wasn't crowded. Estella found Nox sitting with a few second-years from his class, exchanging stories and swapping notes for their upcoming exams. Such a sight was becoming frequent, and she was glad that Nox no longer sat alone most of the time.

"Good day, Nox. Do you have a moment?" Estella asked. Behind her she held a square package wrapped tightly in silver and black.

"Of course, Ella. What is it?" he said. One of his friends, a stout boy with eyes of gray, raised an eyebrow.


Nox ignored him, his attention focused on her. Estella smiled. "Meet me under the tree in five minutes."

That was all she said before she strode away. She heard the faint whistles and hushed whispers, and her smile broadened a little.

The garden was silent and empty when she arrived, and she made her way toward the tree that had become hers and Nox's private spot whenever they didn't want to eat in the cafeteria. Like all the other trees, silk hung from its branches, providing a canopy of three colors.

She leaned on the trunk, and waited. Not a minute later, Nox emerged from the hallway and approached her, his strides smooth yet hesitant. When he finally stood in front of her, he opened his mouth to speak.

Estella raised the package and offered it to him with a smile. "Open this first, then we can talk."

He didn't move. "Ella. I'm not—"

"Open it. Please."

Nox fell silent. With a deep breath, he accepted the gift and slowly unwrapped it. Estella watched as the cloth fell to the ground, revealing a white canvas.

Her heart hammered in her chest. Nox didn't say a word; he simply stared at the painting, the one that Estella had spent all of her free time perfecting, making sure that every detail was as they had been in her memories. The painting that she had poured her feelings and emotions into.

"Ella," Nox murmured. His gaze lifted to meet hers. "I..."

"I don't know what to give you except this; a memory of the greatest moment of my life." She placed a hand on top of the canvas, smiling.

"I doubt if this is your greatest moment."

"It is! At least for now. But that's not my point, Nox." A lump in formed in her throat, but she forced it back down and calmed her nerves. "You... You made me proud. You made me happy. The happiest I've ever been. And now I'm telling you. I couldn't tell you before because I'm... I'm not sure..."

Nox gripped the painting tighter. "If you love me?" he asked softly.

Estella's words died in her throat. Love. Yes, she loved Nox. It was foolish to deny it any longer. After all, it was her feelings that led her to create that painting of a victorious Nox lifting Erebos in the sky, victorious, his expression as calm and serene as she had seen in Sildas.

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