Year 1: Fifth Month, Part 3

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Wind rushed past Estella's face, whipping her hair around her. At least, that's what it felt like. She couldn't see anything in this darkness, and only the warmth of Nox's body engulfing her in a protective embrace and his ragged and hot breaths were the only indication that they were still alive.

But not for long. The pit couldn't be this long; eventually, it had to end somewhere, where they would splatter on the ground in a grizzly manner of death.

Estella couldn't let that happen.

"We have to slow down our descent," she shouted over the wind. She summoned Astra again, and its silvery glow lent her enough illumination to see Nox. Her squire's face was only inches away from hers, and the terror in his eyes were evident. She didn't even have to feel it through their connection.

It will be okay, Estella tried to convey with her mind, sending Nox all the reassurance and calmness that she could muster. It seemed to work, for he relaxed and shouted back, "How?"

Her mind racing, Estella glanced at the rushing ground. Or tried to. It was so dark that she couldn't see what was below them. But that gave her an idea.

She twisted around in the air carefully, stretching out her left hand toward the shaft below. "Burst!" With a crackle of mana, a fireball sped away from her palm, dazzlingly bright. It was a small one and barely radiated heat, but it should served its purpose.

Sure enough, the fireball descended. She watched it carefully, counting as it traveled further and further down. Until at last, it struck something and sputtered to oblivion.

Thirty seconds. Which meant that they had a minute at best before they crash onto their deaths.

"Nox, I need you to create a Wind Barrier around us."

There was no protest from him, no questions asked. Through their connection, their Resonance, Estella could feel her squire's trust in her. It almost made her smile, but now wasn't the time for that.

She thrust her arm, sending her magic ahead like invisible threads, sensing the topography. Aldros could do this without effort, and with much more accuracy. At least, she found out the general outline of the ground—flat and a little spongy. Mud, perhaps?

She and Nox would soon find out. A blast of air encased them, slowing their descent. Taking a deep breath, Estella said, "Form."

Channeling her magic into the earth, she willed it to soften and form a bowl-shaped depression. Soon she heard a soft rumble, and she felt, rather than saw, the ground shifting on her command.

Earth was never her affinity, so she was relieved that the strain wasn't too much. Shouting again, she told Nox, "Start counting. After fifteen seconds, release the Wind Barrier."

Nox nodded. The only thing left to do was wait. Estella wasn't certain if her plan would work, but she had to try.

And then the Wind Barrier vanished. She squeezed her eyes shut, and gasped softly when Nox pulled her closer and twisted around until they faced the way up.

Three seconds later, they crashed onto the muddy ground.

Estella's chest heaved, and she could feel Nox's ragged breathe from his broad chest. "You okay?" she whispered, both with her lips and mind.

Yes. "Yes." Her squire's voice was equally quiet.

For several seconds they remained motionless. Estella strained her ears for any sounds, but all she heard was the rhythmic pounding of her heart and Nox's. Darkness engulfed them; she had dismissed Astra before they fell out of caution. But now they had to see just where they had landed.

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