Year 1: Sixth Month, Part 3

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"I plan to join in the competition's official duels."

Estella paused with her fork halfway to her lips, fixing Nox with a sharp gaze. It was lunch break, three days before the Intra-School Competition. For a moment, she held his unwavering gaze, filled with resolved and determination. Next to them, Aldros and Erian paused their meal in surprise.

Lowering her fork slowly, Estella uttered one word: "Why?"

She had expected Nox's prompt response, but she was still taken aback when he answered, "I'll be dueling against Karsos. It would be a waste if that's all I'd do." He shrugged. "I want to test my skills against other Wielders."

Estella pursed her lips. Her squire's reason was valid enough; though losing against Karsos could end up with him being expelled, if Nox won against him, he could acquire more grades if he also won some of the official duels. Even better if he managed to reach the top twenty spots.

And there would be no great risk if he lost, for the official duels would simply add or deduct grades depending on the results.

"We still don't know if you'll win against Karsos," she said slowly, not agreeing but also not prohibiting Nox from joining.

"If I lose, it wouldn't matter if I had joined," he said.

"That's true, I suppose." She pursed her lips. She trusted her squire's skills to win—most of the Wielders who would join were first and second years, and Nox was stronger compared to many of them. But there were a lot of things that could potentially go wrong.

"You'll be tired after your duel," she said, a weak attempt to dissuade him.

"The official duels won't begin until the second day. First day is reserved for special duels. Also, participants are given thirty minutes rest after every duel. Not to mention the elixir they'll receive each day."

Estella smiled. "You studied the mechanics."

"Of course," he said, smiling back.

With a sigh, Estella folded her hands on the table, deep in thought. If Nox was confident enough, and if he managed to at least reach the quarter finals, then there was nothing to worry about.

"As you wish, then." Relief spread across Nox's face. Estella added, "But if you lose and couldn't reach the quarter finals, I will no longer be your master." Beside her, Aldros grunted in surprise while Erian nearly choked on his meat pie.

But her squire merely frowned, his expression serious. "And if I win?"

Estella arched an eyebrow and smirked. It was a game, she finally realized. A gamble on Nox's part. And she was willing to bet something just as equal as her threat.

"I'll think about it," she said. But through the Resonance, she sent her real intent.

If you win, I'll grant you one wish.

And Nox's eyes gleamed.


Estella tried to calm her breathing, but the sight of Nox standing on the stage sent a tightness in her chest that she couldn't resist.

"Ella, Nox will be the one fighting against Karsos," Aldros said. "Not you. Relax."

"I might as well be the one fighting considering the stakes here," she snapped, massaging her hands to ward off the chill that had crept to her skin despite the warm morning air.

Aldros didn't respond. And just as well, too; Estella didn't know what she'd say next if he had.

The entire southern training grounds was filled down to the last inch with students, teachers, and even villagers; it seemed not just the entire school had come to watch this momentous duel but also the villages under the influence of Karsos's family.

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