Year 2: Second Month, Part 2

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"Erian, can we talk?"

It was just after their class with Lady Lyris, the rest of their classmates dispersing down the hallway. Erian turned to look, sending him a quizzical frown. "Sure," he said.

Nox saw Reina ahead, watching them curiously. He gave a reassuring nod, which Erian mistook as a signal for them to walk. They entered an empty classroom. Erian leaned on the desk, crossing his arms. "So, what's this about?"

Nox knew he had to choose his words carefully; he didn't want to upset his friend. "What are your plans for the Assessment Exam?"

"Oh, that." Erian sighed in relief. "I thought it was something important." He waved a hand dismissively. "Same as you and the others, of course. Study and prepare."

"It is important." Nox shook his head. "You're studying and preparing, but what about Reina? She's barely with you. How are you going to pass the Assessment Exam if you don't work together?"

"We are working together," Erian said firmly. "I'm not neglecting her, Nox. I know my duty as her Knight." He sent him a reassuring nod. "We'll be fine."

No, they won't be. The child is much too distracted over something.

Nox couldn't agree more. While Erian's expression was serious, Nox could tell that he was hiding something. And yet he couldn't just press him on without their talk turning into a heated argument.

"Is that all? I still have assignments." Erian shouldered his bag.

A moment's hesitation, then Nox nodded. "I'll see you later for the council meeting."

"Of course, President."

Nox watched him closed the door, troubled. Erian was hiding something, he was sure of it. But what could it be?


He blocked the first strike, then the next, moving past the whip's range. It was a risky move, but he had to get close to Ireela.

The girl shifted, thrusting her free hand toward him, readying her wind blast. But Nox continued, his face set in resolve.


And Nox swerved, the blast shooting past him. Ireela only reacted with surprise for the briefest moment before pulling back her whip, an attempt to catch him from behind.

Nox was prepared for that. He ducked, rolling. Ireela spun the whip, exposing her torso. Nox whispered, "Burst."

A sphere of hard ice rapidly formed in front of him. Before Ireela could react, he sent it forward, catching her in the stomach. She gasped, stunned. Nox dashed forward, sweeping Erebos's tip at her throat.

Ireela blinked rapidly, her gaze darting from the pointed edge of Erebos to Nox's face. Smiling, he lowered his Animarta and stepped back, dismissing it in a swirl of inky shadow.

"Good. Very good, Ireela," he said. "The next time, however, you'll have to be vigilant at all times."

"Yes, Master." She dipped her head respectfully.

Smiling once, Nox said, "Want a snack?" He gestured to one of the small tables at the edge of the Western Training Grounds. It was nearly sundown, but thankfully he had managed to buy several pastries before the cafeteria closed.

His Squire brightened at that. They sat facing each other, and Ireela gaped at the food in front of her. She picked up a blueberry muffin. "How did you know this is my favorite?"

Nox arched an eyebrow and chuckled. "I'd be a poor teacher if I don't know my student. I saw you eyeing them several times during the past few days."

"Oh." She looked embarrassed. "Well, I was saving up for them."

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