Year 2: Fourth Month, Part 1

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The decorations were readied by the second week, and by the time the third week rolled in, the school was covered in bright colorful banners.

Excitement was palpable, but it wasn't until the stalls were being setup during the following that it swept over the school like a storm. Most of the stalls were present last year, and there were many new ones as well.

Of course, Estella gushed about her favorite honey-custard pies even while she was preparing the lessons for next week.

There was another thing the students were looking forward to: The exhibition duels. Since it was only limited to fifty slots, a lot of the first years were disappointed when most were filled by the second and third years. Still, the exhibition had some of the teachers signing up, including Estella.

"It goes both ways, really," Polima said during breakfast on those rare occasions when she would eat with Nox and Erian. "We'd learn from our teachers, and they could join the festival and have fun."

"Technically, they aren't prohibited from interacting," Erian pointed out.

"No, they aren't. But all they did last year was buy a few stuffs from the stalls and go on patrols." She munched a bite of her pork liver pie, then added, "So, you two signed up already?"

"I did," Nox said. He glanced at Erian, who simply nodded and focused his attention on his fried eggs. Nox had seen the participants, and Reina was one of them. Did he know?

Polima smirked. She turned to Ireela. "And you?"

Nox's squire looked up from her food in surprise. "Oh, um, no, I didn't."

"I told her to sign up, but she's too scared," Nox said dryly.

"Master!" Ireela's face reddened in embarrassment. "It's not that I'm scared," she mumbled. "I'm just not sure if my skills are enough. Most of the participants are third years."

"It's just for fun."

"I know. But I don't think I can have fun if I get defeated in seconds."

The girl is right. What fun will you have if you can't defeat your opponents?

Nox grunted. "So be it. But you'll join the inter-school competition."

Ireela smiled. "As you wish, Master."


The day of the school festival dawned bright and clear, as if even nature was eager to celebrate.

All the preparations were completed the day before, and once breakfast was over, the bell tolled at eight in the morning and the Academy's gates fully opened, welcoming visitors from nearby villages and towns.

Nox's heart soared as he took Ireela on a tour of the stalls. Her eyes shone like a child's entering a toy shop for the first time, darting at everything that caught her interest; the meat pies being served to a group of students, the stuffed animal toys hanging in racks and swaying from a gentle breeze, a boy selling colorful balloons shaped into birds and fishes.

"Is this your first time in a school festival?" he asked as they strolled between the pastry lane. She glanced at him for a moment and nodded.

"The village school doesn't have a spacious courtyard as this," she answered softly. "Oh, but I went to a lot of local festivals. They are lively too, in their own ways. How about you, Master?"

"I have." He looked away, focusing his attention on a family striding past them, the children's arms laden with toys from the Velan region. Laughter drifted from the little boy and girl, while their parents' faces shone with pure happiness.

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