Year 2: Fourth Month, Part 3

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"How are you doing?" Nox said as he sat down beside Erian's bed.

The Wind Wielder had seen better days. His entire body, save for his head, was wrapped in bandages. The healers said the burns would heal in a week, but it certainly looked like it wouldn't heal in two.

"Fine," Erian said dryly. "Wrapped like a living mummy, but fine."

Nox smiled. "Now you know how Estella feels. At least you're only there for a week or two."

"At least Estella wasn't attacked by her own Squire."

A chuckle escaped Nox's lips. "It's your fault, you know. You did neglect Reina."

"And now I'm paying the price for that."

"Is that remorse I hear?"

Nox meant to say it as a joke, but the sincere look of guilt in his friend's eyes made him regard him. In a softer tone, he added, "She is awake. Do you want to see her?"

Erian turned his gaze outside the window. They were on the second floor, and the western courtyard spread below them, the festival tents' varied colors offering a mesmerizing view. The sun was still high in the horizon, but there was already a thin strip of orange in the distance.

It was a minute before Erian spoke. "Have I ever told you about my mother?"

"A bit. You told me once that she left."

"Yes. And I found out where she is just before I returned here."

"That's why you want to leave." The pieces were falling into their proper places now.

Erian nodded and sighed, looking down at his legs, nearly paralyzed by the surge of electricity they had suffered from. "I thought by failing at my duty, Father would pull me out of the Academy."

"He still would if you want to."

Erian shook his head. "No. I'll stay. Reina... What I did to her was unfair." A rueful smile split his lips as he looked at Nox. "Besides, I don't want to see my mother knowing that I left someone too."

Nox nodded. "You learned your lesson the hard way, then."

At that, Erian laughed.


The exhibition match incident was gradually forgotten in the following weeks. Erian recovered in less than a week and returned to teaching Reina, much to the girl's joy.

"The Dauros won't press charges anymore, of course," Estella said during breakfast, "But Reina will still need therapy."

It was just past seven in the morning, so there were few students in the dining hall, giving them so privacy. "How long?" Nox asked before spearing a mouthful of scrambled eggs into his mouth.

"Three months at most. The girl needs help."

"You think her environment has something to do with her behavior during the exhibition match?"

It was a topic of discussion among the students ever since the incident. Nox often hear it whispered, that Reina had a troubled childhood, craving for affection that she never received.

Estella shrugged. "Possible. And it would explain her dual affinity. Fire and lightning together, that usually happens when a Wielder harbors resentment."

They fell silent. More students were starting to pour in. Nox waved at Ireela, beckoning her to him. She still looked sleepy as she sat down with her food tray, mumbling, "Good morning, Master. Good morning, Teacher."

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