Year 1: Eight Month, Part 3

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The anticipation hung over the Great Hall like a thick shroud.

Today was the announcement. Today, they would learn what the first part of the final exam would be about. The teachers had gathered in a raised platform reserved for such occasions, arrayed in a straight line, with the Headmaster standing to the front, his long flowing gray beard combed to perfection.

Estella held her breath. In her mind, she could feel Nox's excitement mixing with her own. It was almost too much, so she raised her shields until his thoughts faded into faint murmurs.

The Headmaster began. "The first part of the final exam is thus: a journey to the Forsaken Forest in search of an Yvela Blossom. Each pair will be given three days to find it. You may roam freely in the outer circle where it grows aplenty, but do not, under any circumstances, go into the inner circle." His eyes twinkled. "Even I will not be able to save. You have three days to prepare for our departure. That is all."

Estella blinked, then she blinked again even as the Great Hall erupted into conversation. No. This couldn't be happening. They were actually sending them to their deaths!

She clenched her hands. A light touch from Aldros made her flinch, and she glanced at him. He jerked his head toward the exit. "Let's go. I think we have a lot to talk about."

Wordlessly she followed, alerting Nox as well. He was somewhere near the center, next to his fellow second-years. But he was already approaching, and in a moment, Estella saw him pressing through the crowd with Erian behind him.

Why is Erian with you?

You'll learn soon.

She frowned at that, and she glanced at Aldros suspiciously as they joined their squires and made their way outside the Great Hall. No one said a word, and any question from Estella was met with a curt response from Aldros.

Scowling at the lack of any meaningful answer, she resigned herself to following them. They took her to the dorms, and soon the familiar doors of her and Nox's shared rooms greeted her. They filed inside, and as Nox closed the doors, Aldros faced her and spoke.

"I know where to find the Yvela Blossoms."

Estella could have sworn that she felt her eyebrow fully disappear past her hairline. "I'm quite certain that everyone knows where to find those, Al. The Headmaster did say that as part of our test."

He shook his head. "Not the exact location."

"No," Estella said slowly, her mind racing. "So you know?"

"Yes. Remember who my parents are?"

She blinked, then took a deep breath and released it in a controlled exhale. "Caretakers. Al, you know this could get us killed if someone discovers."

"What are Caretakers?" Nox asked, perplexed.

It was Erian who answered. "They guard the Forsaken Forest." His eyes shone with awe. "Master, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it's not something I'm overly proud of," Aldros said in a flat tone.

Nox frowned. "Why not?"

"Caretakers created the Forsaken Forest, Nox." Estella paced around. "They guard its secrets, keep the threats from within from breaking out. Thus, they vowed an oath of silence." She stopped and stared at Aldros intensely. "How did you know about the Yvela Blossoms?"

"I often watered them when I was a child."

"Then you could lead us to where they grow?"


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