Year 2: Sixth Month, Part 2

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Five weeks after his fight with the Cave Dragon, Nox returned to classes.

There were a lot of things he missed, and though Estella helped him during his month-long recovery in the infirmary, he could only study for a few hours. Going back to all of that, he knew, was going to be difficult.

His main concern was Ireela. She had already neglected her studies, and her training, but the worse was the effect that the expedition had on her. Try as she might to hide it, Nox knew the girl wouldn't easily forget it.

The first hint was the screaming.

It was the first night after his return. He had gone to bed early after a long day, but his slumber was interrupted by a loud scream in Ireela's room. Nox immediately bolted upright, wincing as his still recovering legs strained to carry him toward his Squire's room.

He found her twisting and tossing in her bed, sheets and blanket askew, whimpering pitifully. It was a sight he recognized, one he knew all too well.

"Ireela." He shook her by the shoulder. At once her tear-clouded eyes snapped open, frantic gaze searching his face, then relaxing upon swift recognition. She whimpered again.

Nox wiped her tears as he sat next to her. "It's okay. I'm here."

"Master..." Her voice was weak, nearly child-like. She buried her face in his lap and wept.

His heart almost broke at the sight. He stroke her hair, whispering words of comfort, but he knew how next to useless they were. Words wouldn't heal a broken mind.

"Can you stay with me?" The question was muffled. He understood it nonetheless.


And so he stayed, sitting by her bed until her eyes fluttered close and her breathing slowed. Nox brushed away a strand of Ireela's hair from her face. Her expression peaceful and at ease, he stood and closed the door gently then went back to his room.


The next day dawned bright, and Nox woke to the sound of chirping birds outside his window.

He barely slept.

In contrast, Ireela seemed refreshed, with no sign of her anguish last night. "Good morning, Master!" she greeted cheerfully when he joined her for breakfast.

"Good morning." He sat next to her and helped himself to a slice of toast and a rasher of bacon. There was no sign of Estella, but he had already expected that; she told him that she wouldn't be able to join him for breakfast, as she was still sorting today's lessons.

"What are we going to train for later, Master?" Ireela asked.

Nox chewed for a moment, thinking. He had been planning her training since he could walk again, but it wasn't a complete lesson plan that he was satisfied with. Far too broad, and the structure wasn't cohesive. Still, it would do until he could form a better one.

"We'll focus on your Animarta," he decided at last. "Ella's class is good, but you need a more focused training."

"Understood, Master. By the way, are you still joining the inter-school competition?"

He grimaced, looking down at his leg. The doctors and healers were amazed that he was healing swiftly, but they also warned him that he shouldn't overexert his legs yet. "We'll see. It's still two weeks away." Plenty of time for rest and recovery.

And training.


Estella's class began at noon, an hour late than usual, in the western training grounds rather than her classroom.

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