Year 2: Second Month, Part 3

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Nox tapped his fingers on his desk, his brows furrowed in worry. It was fifteen minutes past the first bell, but Estella still hadn't arrived in the classroom.

She was safe, that much he knew from their mental link. But the Resonance was muddled ever since the morning, and he could feel her panic and shame surging in waves.

His mental inquiry was only met with a simple, I'll be there in a few minutes. He didn't press her on after that, sensing her anxiety. But from that brief conversation alone, he deduced the reason for Estella's tardiness.

She woke up late.

The door burst open, and Estella hurried inside, her hair still wild from sleep. At least her uniform was presentable, but the silence that engulfed the room told Nox that he wasn't the only one shocked at her appearance.

After roll call had finished, she placed a stack of papers on her desk, smiling nervously. "The result of your test papers last week." One by one, the students were called and they took their test papers.

When it was Nox's turn, he frowned as he read the results. He checked the name, but it was indeed written under his, and yet the answers were certainly not the ones he had chosen. He glanced at Erian, who looked just as baffled.

"Please tell me you got the right test paper," Nox muttered.

Erian shook his head. "As a matter of fact, no, I didn't."

Nox glanced at Estella. "Teacher?"


He held up his test paper. "This isn't mine."

"So is this," Erian added. The other students told the same, though a small percentage seemed to have received the correct test papers.

"Mine seems correct," Ireela said.

Estella shifted in her seat, and Nox could sense her anxiety rising. Hey, relax.

I mixed them up! The panic in her thoughts nearly overwhelmed him.

Calm down. Take a deep breath and tell them you'd fix your mistakes as quickly as you can.

Estella swallowed and nodded. Still smiling, she said to the entire class, "My apologies. Those who received the wrong test papers, kindly place them in a pile on my desk. I'll send another copy to your dorms later."

I'll help, Nox said as he stood up. She flashed him a grateful smile.

Class began after that. Estella lacked the enthusiasm she had yesterday, but Nox was glad she managed to finish her lessons without further mishaps. As the students prepared, she said, "Mister Dauros and Miss Stormcloud, please come to my office later today, after the fifth bell."

Nox glanced at her curiously, then at Erian and Reina. The former was frowning, but he nodded and swept past his Squire. Reina swallowed and followed him.

You're not going to reprimand them, are you? he asked.

No. Estella sounded grim. I'm just going to tell them what they should hear.


Dinner wasn't pleasant.

Nox watched Erian and Reina sitting together, and the only sound between them was the scraping of their spoon and forks against their plates.

Your dead village felt happier than these two.

It was an accurate statement, but Nox knew better than to put more firewood into the fire. At least Estella had the decency to eat in the faculty room where she wouldn't see Erian.

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