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"Stop moving so much."

"I'm not. You're the one whose fingers are shaking."

"My fingers aren't shaking."

"She's right, Master. Just relax and let us finish this."

With a sigh, Nox shook his head and tried to remain as motionless as possible, letting Estella and Ireela buckle the straps of his school-issued armor. The last time he had worn this, he didn't remember the thin chest plate being this tight.

You've acquired some muscles. It will be tight.


He closed his eyes as the girls worked, letting his mind go over his plan once more. There was no guarantee it would succeed, but it was the only option he had considering the circumstances. If it fails... well, he would think of another plan by then.

"There!" Estella said, tightening the leather strap one last time. She looked at it critically, made some tiny adjustments, and finally stepped back in satisfaction just as Ireela finished.

Nox stared at the nearby mirror. Thin black plates covered his torso and limbs, light but sturdy enough to ward off blows. Estella had insisted on heavier equipment, but it would only restrict his movement. This was better.

Through the mirror, he saw Estella's and Ireela's worried looks. He turned to them. "I'll be fine," he said softly.

"If you can no longer fight, don't push yourself." Estella's voice was tight, and he could feel her churning emotions through the Resonance that no words could properly express.

He nodded, trying to convey his own feelings through that simple act alone, magnified by their link. It was getting difficult to hide anything with Estella these days, and he hoped his confidence was enough to sooth her.

The door opened. "Ah, Sir Nox!" Headmaster Garion smiled as he entered.

They stared in disbelief. The headmaster rarely, if at all, visited participants in duels. "Headmaster, what are you doing here?" Estella said.

"Ah, Dame Estella! And... Miss Ravein, is it?

Ireela nodded. "Yes, Headmaster."

"Good, good. I thought I've forgotten. It's hard for me to keep track of surnames these days." He turned to Nox, nodding in approval. "The armor fits, yes? Everything is protected?"

"Yes," Nox said uncertainly. Why is he here? he asked Estella.

I don't know, she said, just as confused.

"Mmm. But do be careful, Sir Nox. Even the best armor can have the smallest gap. Nothing is impervious." His eyes twinkled. "Well, I just came in to check on you. I'll be going now!"

He soon left. As the door closed, Nox glanced at Estella and Ireela with a bewildered expression.

"What was that about?"


The roar of the Thurinian students was louder than all of the Favenian students.

Nox didn't pay it any attention, but he could see some of his schoolmates, particularly those from Estella's class, glancing at the boisterous crowd in annoyance.

They're acting as if they own this place, Estella grumbled in annoyance.

Let them. It won't bother us.

I know, but...

As Nox stepped on to the stage, the Thurinian crowd booed and jeered. He whipped his gaze in the direction of the Favenian seats, and sure enough, a lot of the students, and even Princess Luciana, were now glaring at them.

The Princess of Light and The Knight of ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now