Year 1: Sixth Month, Part 1

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The return journey to the Academy wasn't easy for Estella.

For every bump in the road, pain would surge along her back. She didn't get much sleep even with the tonics and potions she drank, and every single day was an eternity. She couldn't even step outside for some fresh air.

It was worse when they had arrived. Though she had been given a wheelchair and Nox constantly hovered by her side, she couldn't do most of the physical activities she was used to.

Worst of all were the stares, the looks of pity, and even a few passing glances of delight and contempt from people who envied her strength and power. She did her best to ignore them, focusing on her tasks instead.

Her sole consolations were the recovery time—it would take six weeks before she could use her legs again, shorter than expected—and Nox's presence. He took care of her needs, even going so far as to prioritize her over his classes.

"You can't keep ignoring your schedule," she said at the end of the first week after their return from the expedition. "It will affect your grades."

It had been another grueling day, and they hadn't even started training again. With only two weeks left before the duel, she didn't know how Nox could win.

He smiled at her from across the table they always shared during meals. "I'm fine, Ella. I'm taking make-up classes during the weekends."

She had forced him to take a break during the weekends, so it didn't surprise her that he would use those two days to compensate for taking care of her. "Two days aren't enough," she said, frowning. "And we still haven't—"

"I have," he interrupted her. "I've been training, Ella. You don't need to worry."

"Even so, I need to start training you again." Her voice was firm. "I don't have a lot of homework tomorrow. We can train at the eastern grounds after your classes."

He didn't argue anymore, for which she was glad.


The sun was starting to dip when they began.

Sitting on her wheelchair, Estella watched with a critical eye as Nox performed the advanced sword techniques she had taught him, flowing from pose to another in fluid motions. His posture was excellent, with none of the stiffness that had plagued their training five months ago.

Still, excellence wouldn't be enough to defeat Karsos. "He's a patient man," she told Nox when they took a short break. "He'll let you strike first, defend constantly, then counter your moves once he's learned them."

"A lot like me," Nox commented.

Estella nodded, remembering their first duel. "And yet also different. He'd toy with you, Nox. Humiliate you until you fall into his trap and make a mistake. And that's how he'll deal the fatal blow."

Her squire raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess: you almost fell to that same trap?"

She glared at him. "Yes. It's not funny and not pleasant. Now shut up and let me finish." She ignored his amused chuckles and recollected her thoughts.

"Karsos is a Tri-Wielder," she continued, taking a sip from a glass of orange juice. "That's one of the things you'll have to consider when fighting him. It's not going to be easy."

"What elements can he control?"

"Fire, wind, and lightning." She paused. "But that's not the real problem."

Nox stared at her intensely. "What do you mean?" He must have sensed her troubled thoughts through their Resonance.

"His Animarta," Estella answered grimly, "it's a Spirit-type."

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