Year 1: Ninth Month

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Estella drew a deep breath as she buckled the final straps of her armor and she stared at herself in the mirror.

It was not full plate—she would never be able to move encased in that. Instead, a lighter chestplate covered her torso while greaves and bracers protected her arms and legs yet still allowed flexibility in movement.

The last time she wore this was during the expedition to the Arsari Cave with her master last year, and then during their final duel. Estella hadn't used it since then. She found it still cumbersome, and she preferred to fight without any hinderance.

But now she must. Now she would once again participate in a final exam, as a Knight this time and against her own Squire.

Excitement flooded her veins. She wanted to cross Animartas with Nox again in a real duel, like they did during their first meeting. She wanted to know how much he had grown as a Wielder, and if she had been a good mentor.

More than that, she wanted him to succeed, to prove that he deserved all the recognition, and that she didn't make a mistake choosing him as her Squire. As her lover.

Satisfied with her look, Estella exited her room. Nox had left early for the western training grounds. No words were spoken between them when they woke up nor before they slept last night. No words were needed to now that their Resonance waxed stronger—the strongest it had been ever since returning from the Forsaken Forest.

The hallways were empty, as expected during final exam day. But Estella didn't mind the silence. It helped ease her mind and prepare herself for the duel. She could feel Nox in the distance, waiting for her.

Just before Estella entered the hallway that connected directly to the western training grounds, she found Aldros leaning on the wall, his arms crossed. He gave her a critical look and smiled. "Well, that's a sight I rarely see. Are you ready?"

She stopped before him. "I am. You?" His body was fully encased in black steel, though his head was bare.

Aldros shrugged. "Actually, I just finished." He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. "Erian was good, I'll admit. Even if I didn't train him as much as you trained Nox."

Only then did Estella noticed the bruises in Aldros's head, and no doubt other parts of his body that was concealed by his armor. She chuckled. "Well, you'd be sorry excuse of a mentor if he still loses despite you neglecting his training."

"That's true, I suppose." He regarded her with some worry. "Are you really sure you're ready? This is not like Selection Day, Ella."

She nodded despite the knots slowly twisting in her stomach. She knew what Aldros meant. "I am ready. I've always been since I chose him as my Squire."

"Then good luck. I'll see you both later." He patted her on the shoulder and strode away.

For a moment, Estella stayed rooted on her feet, staring at the door that led to her and Nox's future. Whatever happened today, nothing would change between them. That was the promise they made yesterday.

She took a deep breath and continued toward the door.

Save for the low thrum of murmurings from the crowd of students and teachers, it was almost quiet when she emerged into the vast grounds and climbed the steps to the raised stage where she and Nox would fight.

He was already there clad in light plate armor, no different than her own. Even his head was bare, and Estella could see the smile on nis lips and the anticipation and excitement dancing in his eyes.

And she couldn't help but return the smile. They were both waiting for this moment when they could give their all in a duel ever since that day when they first met and fought.

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