Chapter Fourteen | For a month!?

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Engfa's POV:

   "Welcome Mrs and Miss Waraha, I am so glad to work with you both! My name is Charles Austin and this is my wife Evelyn and lastly my daughter, also the CEO of my enterprise Charlotte Austin." He introduced themselves to us. His grey curly hair brushed backwards as his round thin glasses nested on the bridge of his sharp tip nose.

Huh, I guess she isn't such a useless human being after all. I studied the younger woman across from me, she has curves that suits her dress certainly meant just for her, her long wavy brunette hair dangles past her shoulders and leaned against her bare porcelain skin. Noticing she was staring at me with a confused expression in the company of a disgusted look, clearly remembering the questionable event recently.

"It's been a pleasure to meet you. My name is Chailai, these are my wonderful daughters Plaifa and Engfa. Plaifa posses her own designer brand and my youngest runs as the CEO for me, overtaking her father's job." my mother conveyed to the Austins.

"We're so thrilled to have you Miss Waraha, I hope we can construct a wonderful relationship between our two companies for an ongoing month or so during your stay." affirmed Charles enthusiastically.

   "WHAT!? A MONTH!?" the younger woman blurted out in a slight British accent without any hesitation

"Yes Charlotte, please lower your voice" Evelyn advised to her daughter

   "I HAVE TO DEAL WITH HER FOR A WHOLE MONTH?" argued Charlotte dismissing what her mother had just said

"Watch. your. mouth." Pichy was intending to rise from her seat until I dragged her arm down just in time before things got heated. That's one of the charms about her that stood out, she never would back down without a fight. I gave a glance for Pichy to stand down and allow me to handle things.

"Charlotte do not speak towards our guests like so." her father warned sternly.

"Well if our guest wasn't so thoughtless I wouldn't have complained!" she shot back

I smirked at the fact she became more riled up for insignificant reasons.

"What an imbecile" I mumbled under my breath. She must've overheard or read my mouth which caused her to be rather furious.

"Charlotte. outside. now." Charles ordered her. She arose from the dinner table promptly in an irritated manner, hustling out the room fastening the door shut behind herself.

"Please excuse us, for the meanwhile my wife will explain the details of our schedule together for the occurring events" Charlotte's father responded apologetically, he trailed behind his daughters whereabouts deserting my family and his wife all together in the closed off room.

Evelyn made an apology before she directed for the waitress outside the room to fill up our wine glass with Dom Pérignon Vintage 1999 champagne and to prepare the dishes in precisely 3 minutes. I accepted her apology cracking into a smile to lessen the awkwardness. Although that incident I was also at fault, it's still on her for not being attentive of her surroundings. Elevating the wine glass directing it forward to my mouth, I sipped a small amount tasting the sweetened champagne. 

 "I will be informing my assistant to forward the schedule to you both through your emails later tonight, but do not worry it's filled with entertaining events for the most part" she announced eagerly 

  I tugged on my mother's sleeve gesturing I don't want to participate in those with the utterly disrespectful CEO, she delivered a "deal with it" look towards me given due to the fact that she dragged me upon all of this. I was already pissed of that I attended this busy dinner right during my jet lag, keeping my composure longing for this supper to finally end. My mother nodded as a response and continued to converse with Charles' wife. 

Momentarily, Charlotte and her father stepped inside the room with smiles plastered on their faces. I could clearly make out that she was forced to pretend expressing happiness until near end of dinner. She postured onto the seat on the opposite side of where I sat, her hazel eyes striking me with threatening looks from across the room. This has to be a complete joke, my mom knows how much I despise undertaking in the accompany of a careless or impudent being. Despite her unacceptable behavior, her appearance is the one incredible thing that's been holding her up lately. 

  "Miss Waraha I sincerely apologize with our awful first impression, I promise to make it up to you throughout your stay" Charles repeated once again 

  "Please, call me Engfa and don't trouble yourself about this, it happens" grinning because of their efforts in attempting to please me. 

    Charlotte softly sarcastically laughed to herself disbelieving my reply. 

Briefly, 10 aligned servers proceeded inside significantly introduced each dish to us by the head chef. The delightful smell of the cuisines lingered right after they marched out, Evelyn's husband grabbed a hold of his champagne inside the delicate transparent wine glass and created a toast. 

"For this partnership between our two companies to be cherished by millions of people around the world" 

  "Cheers!" pronounced by everyone's voice lifting up their glasses altogether. 

We helped ourselves with the appetizing goods not mouthing a word to one another because of  how we were all too busy filling up our starved stomachs. Afterwards, the waitress confiscated our unused dishware's and utensils, Charles spoke up discontinuing the silent air.

  "Engfa, you will be heading out to our establishment downtown London to be involved in a tour of the exterior led by Charlotte first thing tomorrow" he explained. 

I nodded to whatever nonsense that's required for me to show up on whilst I dabbed a piece of white cloth napkin to the corners of my mouth. He wrapped up the conversation as we prepared to leave the dining area. Pichy slides her arm in between mine, shaking Charles' powerful vieny hand. After we bid our goodbyes to the Austins, paparazzi's followed like hawks and aimed their camera's at us over again, we hopped into our vehicles fetched by the restaurant's valet. 

 Sinking into my seat flushing out all the things that occurred today away but suddenly the thought of spending my time together with that woman just worsened my mood. This vacation was definitely not turning out on how I wanted it to be.

Author's note:

Engfa need's to lighten up herself for real, is there anyway to do so?

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