Chapter Twenty One | Consuming Thoughts

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Charlotte's POV:

I walked briskly through the hallway of Austin Limited as I made my way to my office. I had a busy day ahead of me, with meetings and client calls scheduled back to back. As I turned the corner, I caught a glimpse of Engfa's office, which was located next to mine.

It has been just two weeks ago that she spilled her drink on me at a café in Bangkok and didn't even have the courtesy to apologize. I remembered how angry I was when it happened, and my irritation towards her had only grown since then.

Still I cannot forget how unfortunate I was when my father had other ideas, and he had introduced us as business partners for a month. I didn't like the idea of working with her, but I sadly had no choice in the matter. 

It was quite funny how worked up Engfa had been this morning though, convinced that she had done something wild while intoxicated the night before.

As I walked past Engfa's office, I noticed Heidi, Engfa's secretary and my best friend, coming out of her office with smudged lipstick. My mind immediately jumped to conclusions, and I couldn't help but feel suspicious. Heidi noticed me looking and quickly tried to intervene.

"Hey, Charlotte! How are you doing? I'm planning a beach party for my birthday in three days, are you available?" she said, hoping to distract me from my thoughts.

I felt a wave of reluctance wash over me, but I faked a smile and replied with forced enthusiasm, "Sure, I'll try to make it."

Making my way to the office, I couldn't shake the feeling of suspicion that lingered within me. My mind couldn't help but wonder. Did something happen between Engfa and Heidi? Heidi seemed a little too anxious to tell me the details of her party. 

The thought of her strange antics gnawed at me, but I chose to set it aside temporarily and concentrate on the task that required my attention. The moment I stepped into my office, an unsettling feeling washed over me, making me uneasy.

Once I finally entered my office, I immediately got to work, asking my assistant to call a meeting to properly introduce Engfa and to discuss a few new cases that had just come in. As the meeting started, I caught Engfa's eye across the room, and the awkwardness between us was palpable.

Despite my initial dislike of her, there was something undeniably intriguing about her. She was smart, quick-witted, and certainly beautiful. Every time she spoke, I found myself lost in her dark eyes and entranced by the musical quality of her voice.

We went through the motions of the meeting, discussing cases and assignments. But my mind kept drifting, and I found myself stealing glances at Engfa from time to time. I couldn't help but notice her sharp features and the way she carried herself with confidence.

But then, as if on cue, Heidi's smudged lipstick flashed through my mind, reminding me of the suspicion that had been nagging at me since I saw her leaving Engfa's office.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the thought. It was ridiculous, after all and there's no need to cause unnecessary drama. There was no evidence that anything had happened between them, and besides, it was none of my business.

As the meeting wound down, I made a conscious effort to avoid Engfa's gaze. It was easier said than done, however, as she seemed to be looking at me just as much as I was looking at her. Suddenly Engfa walked up to me, and I braced myself for another awkward encounter.

"Charlotte, I know we started off on the wrong foot, but I hope we can work together efficiently for this month," she said, her voice calm and measured.

I was taken aback by her words. It was the first time she had spoken to me without any hostility. I looked into her eyes and saw sincerity, and for a brief moment, I felt a flicker of something I couldn't quite place.

I nodded and replied, "Yes, let's try to make the best of this situation."

As Engfa walked away, I couldn't help but wonder what had changed. Was it my suspicion that had clouded my judgment, or was there something more to her than I had initially thought?

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. It didn't matter, I told myself. We were just business partners for a month, and I needed to focus on work. But as I sat down at my desk, I couldn't help but feel that this month was going to be more complicated than I had anticipated.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The more I tried to push it aside, the more it consumed my thoughts. I had to find out what was causing it. Unable to sit still any longer, I stood up abruptly, determined to get to the bottom of things. Striding purposefully towards Engfa's office, my heart raced with apprehension.

When I arrived, the door was closed, but I could hear muffled voices coming from inside. I hesitated, wondering if I should just leave it alone. But then I heard Heidi's unmistakable laugh, and something inside me snapped. Without thinking, I pushed the door open.

Inside, Engfa and Heidi both looked up, surprise written on their faces. Engfa's eyes met mine, and I saw a flash of something in them before she quickly composed herself.

"Is there something that you need, Charlotte?" she askedd, her voice cool and professional.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I just wanted to...check in, I guess," I said, my voice coming out more hesitant than I intended.

Heidi was there once again and stood up from a seat near Engfa's desk, her eyes flickering nervously between me and Engfa. "I should go check on a few papers, love you Charrr" she said, already moving towards the door with a bright smile.

As soon as she was gone, Engfa stood up from her desk and faced me, her arms crossed over her chest. Engfa raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Is there something that you need, Charlotte?" she repeats herself once more, her voice softening slightly.

"No nothing, I just wanted to let you know that my father is expecting the highest quality of work." Engfa kept her position, her eyes fixed on me, her expression unreadable. I turned back around leaving her there.

I decided to take a break from work and clear my head. I left the office and walked towards the coffee shop across from the building. As I waited in line, I couldn't help but notice how many couples there were around me. 

They held hands and laughed together, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy towards their easy affection for one another. They seemed so carefree and in love but why couldn't I have that too? Maybe I was just imagining things. 

 As I sipped my coffee, my mind wandered back to the upcoming beach birthday party. I didn't really feel like going, but Heidi was my best friend and I couldn't miss her special day. Besides, maybe a change of scenery would do me good. I had been working alot for the past few months, and I needed a break.

I was always the one in control, but lately, I felt like my life was spiraling out of my grasp. I needed something to ground me, something to make me feel alive again.

Author's Note:

Finally back at it again with a new update! Charlotte seems confused with her thoughts this chapter, maybe cos she's just lonely...LOL. Anyways I will try to update tomorrow but no promises. 

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