Chapter Twenty Two | Opposing Perspectives

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Engfa's POV:

I leaned back in my office chair, staring blankly at the computer screen in front of me. It had been a long day of meetings and paperwork, and all I could think about was the beach birthday party that Heidi was throwing later that afternoon. I glanced over at the clock on the wall and realized that I still had a few hours to go before I could leave the office.

I looked out the window and watched as the hustle and bustle of London's busy streets unfolded below me. The view from my office was pretty impressive. My mind was far from the legal briefs and contracts that cluttered my desk. Instead, my thoughts were consumed by two women - Heidi and Charlotte.

Heidi was my assistant, and I couldn't help but notice her fidgeting during our conversation earlier in the week. She kept wiping her mouth with her sleeve, and her lipstick was a mess. I tried to tell her, but before I could, she had already shut the door on her way out.

The intense gaze Charlotte had fixed on me during our meeting lingered in my mind.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with these two women. Why was Heidi so nervous, and why was Charlotte acting so strange?

"I need to stop meddling in other people's business and focus on my work," I muttered to myself. It was starting to distract me from my own responsibilities.

My thoughts were interrupted by a call from Charlotte's office. She wanted to come over and work on a case together that she has never received before.

I hesitated for a moment before agreeing to meet with Charlotte. Although I was curious about what was going on with her, I also knew that working together on a new case would be a significant time commitment. I sighed heavily, knowing that this was going to be a long day

Cleaning the small clutter on my desk to make room, Charlotte strode into the room, her stiletto heels clicking loudly against the polished floor. I knew it was going to be a difficult meeting.

Charlotte was on edge, and I could feel her eyes piercing into me as soon as she walked through the door. I averted my sight from Charlotte, fixing my eyes on the blank computer screen before me. I began typing furiously, pretending to be engrossed in my work.

"Charlotte," greeting her curtly, not even bothering to stand up.

"Engfa," she replied, seeming to be keeping her tone neutral.

We started discussing the case, but our opinions immediately clashed. We had started off competitive, each with our own ideas and opinions on the matter.

The conversation persisted, the tension in the room grew thicker. Charlotte's eyes narrowed as she tried to suppress her frustration.

"I can't believe you would even suggest such a reckless plan," she said through gritted teeth. "It's clear you don't care about the consequences of your actions."

I felt my own anger rising, and I struggled to keep my voice even.

"You're just too afraid to take risks," I shot back. "If we play it safe all the time, we'll never get ahead."

Charlotte scoffed. "Playing it safe is what has kept this company afloat for so long," she retorted. "We can't afford to take chances on something that could end up costing us everything."

The room fell silent as we both glared at each other, each refusing to back down. I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. I had hoped that we could come to a compromise, but it seemed that Charlotte was too set in her ways to see reason.

The longer the discussion dragged on, the temperature in the room seemed to rise. Charlotte's eyes blazed with conviction as she passionately defended her stance. "I just don't see how your plan is feasible," she said, her voice laced with frustration. "It's too risky, and it could end up costing us everything."

I could feel my own temper starting to flare up. "But that's just it," I countered. "It's a risk worth taking. We need to think outside the box and take some chances if we want to succeed this case."

Although our disagreement intensified, the tangible tension between us only seemed to pique my interest in Charlotte. Nonetheless, I couldn't shake off the weight of our conflicting opinions weighing heavily on my shoulders.

We were both so convinced that our way was the right way, and we couldn't see eye to eye.

We fought some more, but I found myself inexplicably drawn to Charlotte. Despite our differences, there was something about her that caught my attention. Perhaps it was her strong sense of conviction or her impressive business acumen. In all honesty, she has been one of the most impressive businesswomen I had ever met.

However, I refused to simply let Charlotte's viewpoint overpower mine without a fight. I was determined to defend my arguments and reasoning, and I wouldn't let her win without a challenge.

Charlotte's face grew red with anger, and she slammed her hand down on the table. "I'm not scared to take risks," she shouted. "I just believe in being smart about it. We can't just throw caution to the wind and hope for the best."

"And we can't just sit back and do nothing," I countered, clenching my own jaw. "We need to be proactive and take charge of their future."

Charlotte narrowed her eyes. "If we take a big risk and it doesn't work out, we could end up laying people off and ruining my father's company's reputation"

I scoffed. "You're being overdramatic," I said dismissively. "This is too much of a successful company. We can afford to take some calculated risks."

Charlotte's demeanor turned frigid, and her voice was cold as she spoke. "Your actions are selfish and irresponsible," she declared, "And I won't take part of it."

As the day wore on, the exhaustion was evident on both of our faces as we were both trying to prove our point. Just as suddenly as it had started the tension that had filled the room dissipated, leaving an uncomfortable silence in its wake.

It was clear that we both needed a break. Charlotte became distant and lost in thought, her eyes focused on something in the distance. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind. Was she contemplating our argument, or was there something else entirely on her mind?

Today, I found myself preoccupied with the thoughts about other people and their problems, leaving me feeling like I was being pulled in too many directions. Which surprisingly I have never felt before, so this feeling was all new to me. I craved the need to take a step back to regain my focus and clarity.

My mind felt cluttered, and I longed for a break to
spend some time with my friends. The thought of being surrounded by their laughter and joy brought a sense of comfort, and I eagerly anticipated a momentary respite from the stress of the day.

After leaving the office, I made a conscious effort to push Charlotte and our disagreement out of my mind. I had a more important obligation to fulfill - attending Heidi's birthday party at the beach outside of London. As her new boss, I didn't want to let her down and spoil the occasion.

As I returned to my lavish penthouse, where I had been residing for the month, I started to pack my belongings for the upcoming trip. However, amidst all the commotion, I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten about Pichy, my own girlfriend.

Author's Note:
That was some heated conversation 🧍‍♀️.  Anyways I hope you enjoyed this update! Please let me know if I should continue with adding photos to each chapter, for visual representation like I did before.

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