Chapter Nineteen | Unexpected

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Charlotte's POV:

I hastened to the lavatory's hallway to retouch my natural makeup. Once I pushed open the grey swinging door fully, the white tiles shone that affected my eyesight and the mirrors were mounted to the bland walls.

  I arranged my hair in front of the bright mirror before setting my handbag on the vacant counter next to the sink to remove it off my hands. I continued to look through my handbag for my red lip gloss as I swept my hair out of my eyes.

    Ultimately, my hand discovered it after rummaging throughout every small compartments. I utilized the reflection to assist me reapply lip gloss onto my bottom lip while a melodic tune began to play just on the speaker overhead of me.

Just as the bathroom door was about to swing open, I caught onto a commotion right outside. I flinched at the sound of the metal handle crashing against the quartz wall. My eyes were drawn and fell to the sight upon Engfa's girlfriend, who was fuming and had her fist clenched next to her hips.

  If looks could kill, I would unquestionably be six feet underground right now. My body remained immobile although my mind was urging it to move when she stormed into my path with a fixed furious glare.

"You stupid fucking bitch..."  she muttered out loud.

At the exact same moment, the woman with whom I had absolutely nothing to do violently yanked my hair whereas I witnessed my life flash before my eyes. I battled with all of my power as a defense mechanism, aiming for her arms, but her grip on me was far too strong.

When I assumed that nobody would rush to my aid in the deserted bathroom, I was mistaken. The coal black solid door to the restroom was reopened once more, allowing the loud conversations outside to enter. Pleading for a nice stranger to intervene to break up the fight as the woman continued to whip my head back and forth while yelling profanities.

As soon as the woman's hands were released from my hair, I had been able to recover from my panic attack's lack of oxygen. I looked immediately upwards to see Engfa shoving her girlfriend across the room who was standing next to me. Not being able to comprehend why she was going against her partner even though she was inflicting harm towards me.

       "The hell was that for!?" the screech of the insane woman echoed.

"Meet me outside the restaurant, Pichy." my body shuddered at the stern tone of Engfa's voice

Pichy threw me another nasty scowl before following her girlfriend's instructions; fortunately, Engfa was just in time to save my life. What a maniac. Proceeding to retrieve my purse after taking several deep breaths when abruptly a hand grasped onto my wrist.

        "Are you hurt badly?" she questioned 

"I'm doing just fine" ignoring her question in the hopes of leaving right away to catch a ride from Heidi tonight.

Unexpectedly one of her fingers found their way beneath my chin and tilting my view forwards latching my eyes onto hers. The sudden movement caused my body to stiffen, and I was uncertain of what would occur next.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." she demanded

I have no idea if I was supposed to be offended by her attitude that she could just order something of me or if I had wanted to make her unravel my panties right this instant because of how attractive that sounded.

  Shit. Not me almost falling for a player. Before I could do anything to break our contact, she eventually took her hand away from my face. She began to sweep a few strands away from blocking my eyesight like before, and even helped me fix my necklaces I worn. Silence overflowed the room once more with just the two of us inside, but her voice broke it off by asking a question.

"Are you okay? Please excuse her behaviour, I'm not sure why she's acting up like that" 

       "Yeah no I'm just fine"

She seemed quite sincere about her apology so I decided to accept it, or is she somehow such a good actor.

"I'll drive you home in case she tries to plan on doing something more"

       "No no no I'm good" I fought back

"I insist, I wouldn't want to file a dead body the next day" she tried to hide her grin.

     "Are you trying to lure me in your car and kidnap    me?" confused on why the corner of her mouth was slowly lifting up.

"You wish" she replied

    Then she suddenly pulled me out of the washroom by my wrist and towards the parking lot after exiting the restaurant.

"What are you doing?!" I withdrew my hand back

    "Driving you home?" her cheeks were bright and rosy, guessing that it was from all that drinking.

"Hand me the keys." ordering her

    "Whatever" Engfa then fished the small black and silver object from her front trouser pocket and handed them to me. Her intoxicated self truly really does seem to listen and fulfill my instructions much better.

The same woman who threw a huge fit in the restroom, decided to show up once more when we were just about to enter Engfa's vehicle. The older woman indicated for me to hop into the car as she dealt with her own relationship issues.

Overhearing their short argument from the inside as I started the car to let Engfa know I'm ready to leave. When her own lover decided to ditch her to be accompanied by another woman, Pichy's disbelief was evident on her face. Racing out the restaurant's parking spot in case anything bad happens all over again.

      "I never knew you were into psychos" slipping in a small chuckle to lighten up the mood but all I received was silence back.

Feeling awkward in my position I shot a quick glance to my right and found her currently passed out positioned in the passengers seat. I had no idea where she resided and had no touch with any of her family, because I was so exhausted all I could focus my mind on right now was just to drive home and figure out what to do then.

Author's Note:
So sorry for the late update, I have been busy with basketball and focused on it the past few weeks. Expect that I will be updating late, but I will try to update at least once a week!

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