chapter i.

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the neighborhood - reflections
first chapters r so shitty, im sorry 💀


Hermione sighed out of frustration as she watched Y/n and Harry fight whilst they were working on their assignment for the 10th time today. Slughorn put them in a group to brew Amortentia, which they were ordered to bring after Christmas. This was very embarrassing, considering the fact that the library was dead silent.

"Maybe if you didn't act like a fucking cunt we wouldn't be in this situation right now." Y/n leaned her head on the palm of her hand, rage filling her eyes. 

Harry chuckled in disbelief, blankly staring at her with no emotion in his eyes. "Me? Look at yourself, Esme. All you care about is your bloody self you self-centered bitch."

"Look who you're talking to would you Potter? Fucking 'chosen one' all you can do is go on about the fact that you and your parents defeated Voldemort, we've heard the story at least a billion times idiot!"

"Atleast i have something to be proud of, unlike you, you little slag." He smirked, their faces getting closer.

"Right, i'm not having your bullshit." She gave him the biggest smack on the cheek, before grabbing her things and leaving the library after another stupid fight.

"FOR CRYING OUT LOUD HOW MANY TIMES IS THIS GOING TO HAPPEN!" Hermione let her head drop on the books.

"Tell that to her, not me." He rubbed his red cheek, sitting back down.

"You. Are no better. Shut the fuck up." she pointed her finger at him, face red from anger, working with Y/n and Harry was the most painful thing no human should go through.

"Come on Mione don't blame me, have you seen the way she gets so angry with me?" He threw his hands up in surrender. "She's getting on my nerves more than ever lately- plus she started it-"

"Harry, I don't care who fucking started it we can't have one bloody peaceful study session without you lot throwing the most absolute childish insults at eachother! I understand you and Y/n aren't fond of each other, but for the sake of passing can we please, please for the love of god have one nice study session?!" She let out a breath she was holding after the long statement. "Now, are you going to keep acting like an imbecile or can we please move on?"

"Certainly move on."

"Right. You do that i'm going to grab Y/n." She smiled, standing up and heading towards the exit of the library. Her feet echoed in the silent room as she stomped with every step out of frustration, the anger she felt with working with those two was off the scale.

Harry sighed in anger. God, he despised that girl so much. Why? No one really knows. All they do is compete with each other and get angry at one another. It's been like this since first year.

He's practically the only one that hates Y/n so much, everyone else either idolizes her, is in love with her, or just thinks of her as a nice person.

And that pisses Harry off. No one saw her like he did, a self-centered bitch that keeps thinking she can beat him in everything he does.  They compete in everything.

And i mean everything.

Quidditch, classes, who dresses better, who has better friends, who's parents are nicer, who's parents are richer, homework, assignments, who knows more muggles and the list could go on. There wasn't a day where they weren't ripping eachother's throats apart.

 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙄𝙎 𝙎𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙋𝙀𝙎, ☆ harry potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now