chapter xi.

323 12 5

labrinth - forever


It was a peaceful Sunday night, as the Slytherin girl watched the beautiful dark night sky, stars roaming it. Her gaze switched to the white cast on her wrist, reading all of the signatures she's gotten so far. Well... she was staring at a specific one.

You could guess easily which one it was. It's unbelievable to her what happened the other night.. and she hasn't said a word to anyone about it. Not even Blaise.

Suddenly, she was caught by surprise when her family owl shot through the window, landing on her desk. The girl jumped, unexpected by the sudden visit. Their owl was pretty bad with landings.

"Hi Luna." She took the letter out of her beak, a light chuckle leaving her mouth.

Hi darling,

How are you holding up honey? How's your sixth year so far? I've been waiting for a letter from you but haven't gotten one yet. I'm hoping that you'll write to me soon.

Anyways, we were thinking about inviting the Potters over for Christmas this year, what do you think about that? It would be lovely for you and Harry to spend some quality time together. You two still don't like each-other? Dear me, I hope not because i've already informed Lily and James.

Hope you have a lovely rest of November and December, can't wait to see my darling girl on Christmas!

Love, mum x

Y/n felt her eye twitch. Oh god ... is second year going to repeat again? They nearly attacked each other last time Harry was over. Ugh.. why do their parents have to get along so well?

But at the same time, the idea didn't sound THAT bad. I mean, the time they spent on the walk back from the Astronomy tower was quite pleasant.

No, shut up. No way you enjoyed that. Egh, Potter? Y/n come on! You know damn well how much you hate him.

That was true, she hated him. A hatred that she's never felt for anybody. Y/n shook her head, annoyed by the constant bickering of her thoughts.

She took a piece of parchment paper along with a quill, beginning to write back to her mother:

Hi mum,

6th year has been going alright, but a bit tiring. A lot of work it is. But i only have 2 years left. I'm not going to lie, i'm not quite fond of the idea Harry over .. but i'll do whatever makes you happy. If you want the Potters over then i'll learn to accept that.

I hope you and dad have a lovely December, i'm sorry, i'll try to write more i promise 🤍

Love, Y/n

She gave Luna a treat, before sending her off to her family. A deep, long sigh left her mouth as she watched her fly. The question was, how was Potter going to react to this information? He was probably going to be just as miserable as she is. Everyone would be miserable to hear that your worst enemy is staying over for Christmas.

Yeah. She played with the end of her sleeve.


 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙄𝙎 𝙎𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙋𝙀𝙎, ☆ harry potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now