chapter vi.

361 11 3

kanye west - bound 2


Her shoes echoed in the halls as great silence grew upon seeing her. Whispers spread around, everyone talking about the dramatic incident two days prior. Y/n was out of the hospital wing and attending classes like usual, although this time all eyes seemed to be on her everywhere she went.

She was just trying to get to her next class and the girl couldn't quite understand why everyone was so fascinated in the situation. Yes, Potter made her fall off her broom which was the most embarrassing event to have ever occurred in her 16 years of life, but what's so interesting about it? Everyone knew they were enemies, sooner or later something like this was going to happen anyways.

Pomfrey told her she needs to keep the cast on for about 2-3 weeks and after that it will heal completely (the time is so short due to the help of magic, obviously).  She walked quite quickly, watching as two Ravenclaws whispered something to each other whilst looking at her, giggles leaving their mouths.

Y/n finally stopped, turning slowly to the two girls. Her gaze switched from one of them to another, watching as they looked at her with a confused expression. "What the fuck is your problem?" She glared towards them, the younger girls shutting up immediately and scramming away to their class. Y/n rolled her eyes. It was honestly pathetic seeing everyone gossip about you and not being able to say it straight to your face. She scoffed.

She went back to speed-walking to her Defense Against The Dark Arts class, feeling her stomach twist at the thought of having to survive an hour with Snape talking. Not only that, she had it with Gryffindor. Mentally, Y/n was going insane at this point.

Daphne and the rest were already there, as she had to stay behind in the dorm room to finish something. Therefore she was late, as per.

Y/n stormed in, opening the door dramatically making all eyes turn on her. Snape stopped lecturing, raising an eyebrow when he saw her walk in.  "Miss Esme, you're late." He calmly said, but you could easily tell he's not the slightest bit happy.

Well no fucking shit. "I'm sorry i'm late professor." She rushed to the empty seat next to Hermione, sitting down.

"Mm." He turned back around before saying:  "Detention." Y/n felt her eye twitch. Fucking detention? For being a few minutes late? Nothing was going to make her day worse at this point, nothing.  "You and Potter will have a lot of fun cleaning up." Never mind, this made it worse.

Harry's eyes widened, turning to Ron with a pale face. "This is a joke, right? Oh for Merlin's sake." He whispered with a grunt, kicking the table lightly. Ron on the other hand, felt a smirk grow on his face when a plan popped into his head. It seemed that Blaise basically read his mind as he turned around to him, nodding.

Harry was too busy nearly crying about the fact that he has to spend an hour alone with Y/n. "Mate take this." Ron pulled out a packaged chocolate frog out of this pocket, handing it to his best friend. Harry stared at him blankly for a moment, then turning his stare to the frog being handed to him. "Are you taking it or not?"

"Why are you handing me a chocolate frog in the middle of class?" He frowned, confused as to what Ron was up to because this was insanely suspicious.

"No reason. Maybe incase you get hungry during detention?" He smiled, shoving it into Harry's pocket. "I'm being for real mate, detention can be tiring." He huffed shaking his head and returning back to whatever Snape was saying.

 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙄𝙎 𝙎𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙋𝙀𝙎, ☆ harry potter x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang