chapter vii.

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elley duhé - middle of the night


"Oh bloody hell this is so uncomfortable!" She cried, her back majorly aching from the hard floor in the classroom, the robe she placed to make it comfortable did absolutely nothing. Well, what did she think was going to happen?

"Stop being dramatic." Harry rolled his eyes from the other side of the room. "At least we're not locked out outside in the middle of November." He put his hands behind his head, trying to get himself to relax in some way. Sadly, nothing seemed to work. Y/n was right, this was extremely uncomfortable.

"I don't care that i'm being dramatic." She stood up, walking over to the shelf that was on the other side, observing all of the ingredients, suddenly finding them interesting after all of her years in Hogwarts.

"I can tell you really have nothing to do with your life." Harry turned his head towards her direction as he watched Y/n look at everything on the shelf.

"I'd prefer to be here than lay on that floor." Her fingers traveled across all of the jars, sometimes carefully picking one up. "I'm so pissed he took our wands. We could've easily gotten out of here."

"I don't blame that he doesn't trust us, Esme. I know damn well you've used magic in 80% of your detentions in some way." He shrugged from the floor, watching Y/n's head snap towards his direction. "What?"

"Well i don't care that he doesn't trust us, is he even allowed to take our wands?" She frowned, eyes returning back to what she was doing earlier. A sigh left her mouth as she left the shelf area, walking back to the spot her robe lay at. Her eyes traveled towards the clock, watching the time turn to 11:36pm. "For fuck's sake. We're not getting out, are we?"

"Aren't our friends like worried about us?" Harry thought.

"They fucking locked us in here you wanker!" She slapped her hand across her head, sighing in absolute denial. How hasn't he noticed any of this? "Oh i'm going to kill all of them when we finally get released."

"You're making it sound like we're in prison." He frowned, confused as to what she was referring to. Was she going to yell or was she going to actually physically do something was the question..

"Because i feel like we're in prison. I get locked up in a cold room with only you to my presence. This is prison."

Harry glared at her for a moment, Y/n returning the gesture. Ah yes, their favourite thing to do, staring contests. Just glaring at each-other for about 2 minutes straight. "You know you can be nice when you want to, Esme."

"I know." She sat on the robe, fiddling with the dark fabric. "Not to you, though." A grin crawled onto her face.

"I come up with better insults, anyway." Harry smirked laying back down, hands behind his head. He closed his eyes.

Y/n's head slowly turned into his direction, a safe distance still between them. It actually looked funny with Harry on one side of the room and Y/n on the other, it just proved how stubborn the two teens were. "Uh, no you don't." She scoffed.

"Uh, yes i do." He mimicked her.

"Don't start Potter, we don't want to be fighting even in the middle of the night now, do we?" She crossed her arms.

 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙄𝙎 𝙎𝙊𝙐𝙍 𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙋𝙀𝙎, ☆ harry potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now