5 ~ Stranger In Disguise

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"Give it back."

A deep voice interrupted my thoughts like crazy, feeling my heart rate speed up instantly because of this sudden jump scare, as one big hand suddenly grasped towards the mask.

This person wanted to take it out of my hands like it belonged to him, and no one else would dare to touch it, as my eyes are wide open in shock when I looked up.

I wasn't realizing at that point I haven't felt like this in a long time; to feel myself being lost and not be able to stand my ground, but I'll guess that's just because of this person interrupting my thoughts, coming out of nowhere.

However, I remember closing the doors when I came in here to get myself a little privacy while settling in this new, for the moment notice life of the TF141. I guess I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear someone come in at all.

It's then I directly stared into two brown eyes, still feeling this hand reach for the mask, softly touching mine but it isn't really a similiar one; it's also some sort of fabric, probably indicating that the person is wearing gloves.

But to be honest, the eyes are the only thing I'm seeing right now, because everything else is hidden, just like that one piece of fabric I am holding right now.

And I didn't even talk about the fact it feels like I need to look towards the top of a fucking mountain to see this person's face, because the person in front of me is so musculair and athletic build, I think about 6'4, and by just seeing the eyes, I know it's a male and definitely taller than the captain.

His eyes are almost reaching my soul, but I have to admit I am still doing the same, like we wouldn't dare to take our eyes from each other.

The moment could've lasted longer than it might have been, and maybe it felt like I was frozen to death that only took place inside my mind, because that's how manipulative the brain can be.

But it felt just perfect enough to observe him entirely, even though there isn't much to be seen either; only his balaclava, hiding his hair if he has any and the rest of his facial shape.

You can't really tell how he looks like, but the eyes are saying so much you don't even realize it sometimes. And this soldier also has some black paint around his eyes, as you can see the brown color piercing through.

"Sure dad," I sighed in frustration, as I let go of the mask when his gloved hand didn't touch mine anymore; I don't know why an empty feeling suddenly took over me.

It made me raise my hands in defeat, as this person is probably too desperate to get it back, and I didn't like the tone at all, hence my reaction.

Stupid motherfucker.

He followed my movements, putting away his mask but even with his tone, I am not going to walk away even though he sounded a little intimidating.

I am not going to apologize for my actions either, but maybe I shouldn't have snooped around so much. To be honest, I let myself go sometimes, and is that really a bad thing..?

I've probably dealt with much worse, knowing I can take him as well if he's causing me any trouble.

And still, he came here for a reason; it's clear the mask belongs to him, meaning this soldier probably belongs to my squad.

It's the moment I tried to recall the list of names Shepherd read out load in my apartment, some of them having middle names like Soap, Gaz, and Ghost.

So by that means, I don't even have to guess twice to know who this is.

"Are you Ghost?" I asked him interestedly, as he's standing straight to probably observe me better, but yet again, it feels like I have to break my fucking neck to look him in his judging eyes.

Simulacrum (Simon "Ghost" Riley)Where stories live. Discover now