Simulacrum Explained

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SIMULACRUM: Plato's image-making/ likeness or semblance

"A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities,"

"If we don't end war, war will end us,"


REALITY: original world

Louisa Franklin, 34 years of age was born in the Hague, the Netherlands. She's a qualified nurse, and a licensed psychologist with an advanced degree who assesses, diagnoses, and treats mental, emotional, and behavioral issues.

Louisa also finished military school, as she found herself being deployed a sergeant in the NLMARSOF; Netherlands Maritime Special Operations Forces.

But right after she graduated military school, tragedy struck when her parents died during a heavy car accident whilst being on their vacation in France; this happened in 2011.

Louisa fell in a state of depression, harming herself because she blamed herself for their deaths, after she decided to get herself right back on her feet, becoming the most fearless soldier everyone talked about after.

A year later, she got contacted by Captain John Price who heard of her past and military background, as well as her qualifications, wanting to deploy her in Task Force 141 as a British SAS Operator of the British Military.

She wanted nothing else than a new life, meaning she moved to Manchester in 2012, enlisted into TF141 and fell in love with Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley.

They immediately had a child together, Lorenzo Riley, born in the St Mary hospital in downtown Manchester. Lorenzo wasn't planned, but they still raised them together as their love was inseparable.

The boy is now ten years of age, finding himself in primary school as it's a miracle kid according to his parents, they can't believe it still. Lorenzo's almost too smart if you compare him to his peers.

Louisa wasn't only deployed into the British Military as a SAS operator. Later she used her qualifications to benefit from it, meaning she helped soldiers whom were experiencing trauma, as well as finding Simon a heart to store all of his traumatic childhood with her, which made him fall in love with her even more.

Simon Riley didn't know what love felt like after his traumatic childhood while growing up in Manchester because of his heartless father.

His father often brought dangerous animals back to their home and taunted him with them, even going so far as to force Simon to kiss a snake.

When he and his younger brother Tommy grew older, Tommy would always wear a skull-mask at night to scare Simon, and Simon's father would sometimes take him to Bone Lickers concerts, whilst his father made him laugh at the death of a prostitute who had overdosed on drugs at once of these concerts.

The traumatic childhood you do not wish a single pour soul upon, but unfortunately every person got their own traumas and problems, how hard they seem to be.

In 2021, Louisa suddenly decided to research another way of training for the British Military. A lot of these soldiers were visiting her more often than she realized, noticing a downrate in their mental healths; they're in the military for a reason but at that time, there were just so many things going on she wanted to help them in a way.

The brain already fascinated her from a young age; she always wanted to work in healthcare but never thought she would actually end up here!

Many years of experience, education and knowledge passed by when she was still in school, and one person really facinated her; that was Plato.

Simulacrum (Simon "Ghost" Riley)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant