23 ~ White Rabbit

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A/N; favorite chapter so far, this one will blow your mind hopefully! Just like chapter 19, this one has a specific number I intend to love; it's perfect for this one. I've put a marking during the chapter, this one; -  indicating the best time you should listen to this song. Hopefully you guys like it so far! :)


"Louisa, you're okay, I'm here," Alejandro said to me softly, as the door just closed behind me after my talk with Valeria and Diego, meaning I am safe, right..?

He still has his mask on, indicating that's Alejandro who only left my side for a moment.

I stared into his eyes, but had to contain myself immediately as it's too difficult to not have an outbreak in the middle of this hallway.

"This has taken an unfortunate turn, Al," I trembled while shaking my head.

"What do you mean?" Alejandro asked me confused, trying to rub my hands softly but that only made me stare at him even more; he probably didn't see her, exactly what I already noticed, but I just can't believe it yet!

"She's here. She's the sicaria of El Sin Nombre," I said to him surprised.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Valeria Garza, Alejandro, your lover or whatever that whore was too you," I suddenly latched out at him, trying to not make a scene and that somehow worked out in my advance; the guards in the garden weren't focusing on my sudden outburst.

And because of my words, I suddenly saw his eyes light up in confusion, not knowing how to respond properly because he's in a state of shock too.

Alejandro didn't realize it came this close to home; one big family reunion, or something like that.

"Bravo zero seven to Bravo seven two, how copy?" Ghost suddenly interrupted our conversation, wanting to know our status but I couldn't stop staring towards Alejandro in despair.

"She means nothing to me, isn't that clear enough for you?" Alejandro asked me, a little angrier this time because of the accusations.

"Ghost to Louisa, how copy?" Simon interrupted the moment once again, but they'll need to wait!

"You haven't been there for me for the longest of time I needed you Al. I don't even know you anymore," I said to him quietly but still frustrated, as we both know he regrets everything despite his apology.

"Bloody fucking hell, Lou talk to me!"

"A little bit busy here Riley," I said to Ghost sternly via my comms, who's still on the other side with Soap taking overwatch; they didn't had any clue of what's going on.

My focus is on Alejandro, as he's still distraught but you can see he's definitely sorry for all of it. I just need to forgive him, because otherwise I'll keep remaining a very bad person.

"Whatever you two are bitchin' about right now, isn't helping anything soldiers! We need to continue this mission, people are growing impatient. We can see your discussion from a mile away,"

The American's words were harsh, but they were true when I started to shake my head. Philip's trying to get both of our heads out of our asses, trying to focus on the mission because that's where we came for.

"Copy that," Alejandro responded to Graves immediately, getting both of our heads back in the game while we nodded at each other.

"The sicaria of El Sin Nombre is a female, Valeria Garza, and she's going to talk with him now in the penthouse; that's the third floor. To get there, we'll need a keycard. I noticed Diego has one, but he will be on the second floor, means we need to find him first. Permission to kill him?" I communicated to my squad immediately; this is what they like to hear, right?

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