34 ~ Aphrodite

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|APHRODITE: an ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, identified with Venus by the Romans|


PAST: 2021
LOCATION: SAS/ British military, United Kingdom
REALITY: original world

"Alright everyone, settle down for a god damn second and let the captain have his words, ey lads!" The Scottish accent boomed through the room, trying to scream above the loud music that was blasting through the entire base.

Luckily, Soap and his drunken ass behavior can go well together; he made sure of stopping every British soldier with what they're doing, mostly partying as they cheered when turning theirselves down a notch, just like the music.

And to make it clear for you all, there's a party going on inside the SAS base Shepherd allowed us to have. We had chosen the cafeteria in the SAS base as a place where we can tear it down, sort of, because we wanted to celebrate a year long project in the making, as it finally got accepted!

Project Nova.

With a lot of drinks, music, drunken as well as still some sober soldiers, but one thing is fucking clear and that's my TF141 is drunk as hell, even Kyle and Price to whom I didn't expect it from.

It wasn't deniable I am going to get myself all laid tonight, I might already am! It's sort of my party which is why I am already tumbling down onto my position, as a drunken Simon has to catch me occasionally.

But it doesn't mean I'm done yet. I said it's going to be a year long project which means I still need the supplies and tools to make it happen, and luckily Shepherd is gonna provide me this. At least I'm happy it's settled!

Which is why I'm allowed to celebrate it, with my fellow squad, with my friends, and therefore family.

I might be a nurse, knowing drinking can be very bad for you so it might be my task to prevent this from happening but hey, you only live once, right?

And I noticed myself being drunk very quickly when the first drink was offered to me a while ago, the liquid absorbing through the lining my stomach into my bloodstream and once there, it spreads into tissues throughout your body. Alcohol reaches your brain in only five minutes, and starts to affect you within ten minutes.

I guess I already noticed it in like five or something!

"I want to give my toast to miss Louisa Franklin, who provided us with her knowledge of making something so special, not even the U.S. army can steal it from her," Price raised his glass, wobbling in his position as it made all of us laugh.

"Let's hope Project Nova will turn out great, cheers," He smiled when he finished his toast, which made me look towards Price for a second before giving him a brief smile.

"Now, let's fucking party!" Soap screamed through the entire base, as he probably already had enough of Price's boring speech when the music began to blast through the room again.

That motherfucker really knows how to throw a party, doesn't he?

And that's why everyone continued their dancing, feeling the excitement take over as I am not even paying attention to what kind of music they're playing, meaning I am not even capable of responding to anything that's happening besides the fact I am dancing.

Stage one of alcohol intoxication, subliminal intoxication; you may not look like you have been drinking, but your reaction time, behavior and judgement may be slightly altered.

Well, Louisa, you have done it yourself to reach yourself to the first stage. It isn't really that bad, knowing I've probably already reached stage four or something!

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