40 ~ Project Nova (epilogue)

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Screams of despair filled my ears as I opened my eyes shockingly, confusion taking over my mind as I don't know where I am than trying to observe my surroundings.

One way or another, my heart's beating pretty fast and I can't fit my thoughts as it's probably a mess inside.

And how can I even compose myself, when your body has been sedated for months.

Initially, my hand immediately went towards my chest, trying to feel some stab wound where my boy plunged a knife into my heart, but somehow I don't feel any pain there.

I didn't notice anything wrong with my body whatsoever, seeing myself lay on the stand Shepherd made me remember, the fact I crawled through that god damn shaft to get here!

I realized, and it's save to say because of my son, that I finally found myself in the real world again.

Even so my heart still filled itself with rage when I stared forwards, also noticing the others in the stands while they're still stuck inside the simulation while I managed to get out.

Thank you my sweet boy.

I noticed the British soldiers and nurses, whom were stressed as fuck in front of the big screen where everything became a big mess.

They aren't with so many, I can probably take them down with one punch but first I have to get my strength back, knowing I'm probably weak.

So when I noticed them seeing me being wide awake, my mind somehow went blank immediately, trying to focus myself because everything went so god damn fast, I couldn't even keep track of myself!

"She's up!" A soldier screamed frantically, trying to grab their guns or medicines to sedate me again, but I'm definitely not going to make that fucking mistake again.

I pulled the IV out of my arm immediately, feeling some kind of stinging pain as the blood was probably pouring over my arm from that small needle, but it was the only way for me to get out.

My bare fist met the first soldier who attacked me, my knees being weak because of suddenly standing on two legs again, but I luckily managed to grab his gun.

Blood spattered all over my face when I shot him, I could see the looks on everyone's face they didn't want this to happen, that they don't want to die but it's already too late.

I don't fucking care who participated or not, who volunteered or not, because eventually they're all under command of Shepherd, keeping us hostage and I will eliminate everyone who's standing in my way.

"Kill her!" They commanded each other angrily, but that's when I did my job with my quick moves, the others weren't even able to respond quick enough; I'm looking like the fucking flash over here!

I fired my gun at the soldiers whom are trying to stop me, them sometimes firing but I ducked occasionally to avoid any bullets, finding myself in another position on the ground to eliminate my targets.

Loud bangs were heard as I tried to move myself towards a spot in the room where the soldiers wouldn't shoot my family, because otherwise it's gonna be a blood bath, and I've learned from the death of Thomas Wilson that once you're dead in real life, you're also dead in the simulation.

It felt just like the mission in the cartel villa, killing everyone in my way and I don't care who they are. They're probably on my side, sort of, but then you wouldn't have fucking put me inside a simulation without my consent.

The SAS base is probably on lockdown right now, or the headquarters are locked so that no one can come here to see what the fuck is going on. One way or another, I need to fight my way through this first before I can go to the next step of my plan.

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