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"Moriah don't forget we've got to visit Master Chef Junior Class today" Damien said while approaching my office with a cup of matcha green tea.
"Thanks for the tea and the reminder Damien" I smiled and started sipping the tea immediately. "Was there anything this man couldn't do perfect ?" I thought to myself.

Damien and I packed up our belongings, locked the office and stood outside waiting for my chauffeur. He came within two minutes time, "One thing about Mr Walters is that he's always on time" Damien laughed "That's right young man" Mr Walters mumbled.

As we arrived at the MCJC building Damien and I were in awe, both our jaws dropped admiring the architecture it looked like something that would appear in your dreams as a child, it felt like we were staring at the building forever "Hey Miss Moriah, right this way please" A middle aged woman said while snapping her fingers.

That little snap brought Damien and I back to reality "Wow this building is magical" Damien and I said in unison making the lady chuckle " The kids love it" she gave us a thumbs up. "You guys can call me Kathy" "Oh my name's Damien I'm Moriah's personal assistant" Damien said as they both shook hands.

As we entered the class everyone said "Good Morning " in sync, they sounded so adorable "Uncle Damiiii!"
A girl exclaimed while running up to Damien, she jumped into his arms "How are you doing Rosie" Damien asked "I'm so so happy!" She exclaimed as Damien put her down.

" That's my niece, Rosie" Damien whispered in my ear and I flashed a huge smile. The kids introduced themselves one by one, when they were finished they put on their
aprons and gathered ingredients.

They all looked like miniature chefs" Today we're in two groups of eight, Damien you go to group A and Moriah you go to group B"

We went to our assigned group as the kids chaired us on, my group was preparing Miso Soup and Damien's group prepared sushi. After an hour everything was completed.The aromas from the kitchen smelt like authentic Asian cuisine.

We all ate the food and Kathy made sure to let us know how much this meant to her and the kids "Thank you very much for visiting us we all enjoyed your wonderful company" an adorable kid with a ginger afro said standing in front the class. Everyone clapped " I have a little something for everyone here" I said.

All the kids scream "Yayyyyy" I then gave everyone a huge gummy snake and donated ten thousand dollars for any expenses they needed. Tears began to flow down Kathy's eyes as she thanked us agian "You are most welcomed" I said while Damien gave her a hug.

"Be ready at five this evening wear something outdoorsy " Damien said as he hopped out my chauffeur's limo. I took a bath and ate the salad Mr Anton made which was delicious by the way, I put on a cute dress with a tights under and a pair of Nike trainers with a jacket.

When my housekeeper opened the door for me Damien was already there waiting in a vintage BMW 2800 GTS, as I came near the car he hopped out the front seat and opened the passenger door for me "hop in beautiful" he blushed. "I love this car babe, I saw it on Pinterest just yesterday" "That makes both of us" Damien winked.

We arrived to a beautiful placed filled with nature. Damien and I held hands skipping on the grass admiring the the flora " You look so pretty in that dress Moriah" " Aww thanks I love your sweater" I said holding his hand tighter.

He then spread a picnic blanket out with sushi and drinks out of his backpack and placed my hand on his "This promise ring is for the most beautiful woman in the world" he said gently placing it on my finger. He then put on an identical one on his also.

After the picnic we hiked on a beautiful trail with birds of all colours singing angelicly as we got to the top we beheld a magnificent sunset. Damien hugged me from behind then we both went in for a kiss. "I love you Moriah" Damien smiled looking at me in awe "I love you Damien," I blushed as we headed down the trail.

Mr Dream GuyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang