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Damien's POV...

During lunch hour my phone rung, I instinctively swiped up on the answer icon upon looking at my screen I realised it was a strange number."Hey I'm assuming this is Damien?" "Get straight to the point I don't have time to waste" I replied in a disgruntled tone.

"This is your uncle Karl" "What do you want from me?" I breathed with annoyance
"We're having a family Thanksgiving at your dad's house-" I hung up the phone.

Uncle Karl? My dad didn't tell Mr he had a brother this whole time?
See this is why I hate him, he kept the family business all for himself, he didn't want to pay my college tuition despite having the damn money, he acted like nothing happened when my mom died.

This man is a psychopath, I wonder how much more family members of his I don't know. That's when I looked at the time and realised lunch hour was already over while I was just there sitting deep in thought.

"Damien you don't seem fine" Moriah said with concerned "Don't worry about it" I replied with a nervous laugh and got back to work immediately. "Was it that obvious?" I thought to myself that's  when I looked at the mirror near me and saw that my face was cherry red.

"No wonder she looked so concerned my goodness" I sighed. As I locked up the office and headed to my car the security guard informed that me someone stopped by not to long ago asking for me.

"Who was it?" I asked confused " Some crazy blonde chic we had to escort her off the compound immediately" "It can't be that crazy stalker psycho Vanessa from high school" I thought to myself as I hopped in my car.

"SHE'S GOING TO RUIN MY FUCKING LIFE" I yelled in the car as I entered.... well you see back in high school Vanessa was the popular it girl.

Most guys would do anything to be in a relationship with her but I saw pass the popularity and beauty. Her attitude was disgusting she had absolutely no morality, she would bully the quiet kids and make them carry her backpack or buy her lunch.

Sometimes  she'd even make them clean her shoes how diabolical. She would get with boys just to break their heart the day after, she argued with teachers and started drama.

I found out she was secretly crushing on me and was absolutely disgusted. She would always tell everyone I liked her back and that we'd be in a relationship soon.

There was a day I was in class eating alone and she came in and started flirting with me the worst part is he tried to inappropriately touch me but my friends entered the classroom just in time to catch her.

They told her to never come near me or they would tell everyone what she did.She spat on the floor and stormed off in a hurry. Another time I threw a birthday party in class and she came with gifts and I rejected them and told het to leave me alone.

Apparently someone caught it on video and uploaded it to Twitter and it went viral in two hours. The following day Vanessa was distraught she slapped me across my face and ran to the principal's office.

I ignored it knowing I would have injured her if I raised my hand.
I would always see fake profiles of me online which I know Vanessa was the culprit behind them, but what's even worse is shed show up to my football practice or sometimes.

I'd be at the grocery and she'd be behind me like a creep. I was getting spam emails every five minutes, even after we finished high school this crazy behavior stopped... or so I thought it would but now that asshole is back once again.

She's not going to ruin my beautiful relationship with Moriah. I'm never going to let that happen she's everything I want and need.When I arrived at home I was so exhausted by all the drama, I thought about calling Moriah to explain why I wasn't looking normal at work but I just turned the TV on and fell asleep.

As I awoke the news channel was playing "Today the we are all shocked to hear this devastating news a woman jumped of the bridge and into the deep waters she is now fighting for her life in a coma "

I thought nothing of it until I heard " She has been identified as Vanessa Jacobs 5'5" blonde haired and appears to be a drug addict"
I was in utter dismay I sat with my jaw wide open for a solid two minutes.

I couldn't believe she had became an addict let alone try to take her own life "I must be dreaming or something" I said pinching my hand to make sure it was all real. "That's unfortunate but at least I don't have to worry about her ruining my life I really do wish her the best.

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