Happy Birthday

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It was six am and I was in an optimistic mood. My restaurant has been making loads of profit as usual but my investments were sky rocketing.

I invested in many well known brands and company's but what suprised me most was an upcoming brand named TecVolt, despite creating their brand a couple months ago, they were already booming.

I made one million dollars from investmenting in their brand. I was eager to see what would be in store for my future investments. I also made two million dollars Space X investments.

"Why'd you only ever call me when your high" my ringtone rang and I saw "Alex's grandmother" displayed the contact name and a smile quickly took over my face.

"Hi sweetheart" she said sounding sweetly. "My name's Rosa it slipped my mind that I never told you my name" she giggled softly. "It's ok Rosa how have Alex and yourself been?"

"Ah we've been surving but I have hope." "Oh don't worry Rosa keep being optimistic you're doing a great job raising Alex he's a little gentleman"

"Alex's birthday is actually today I just remembered" she said sounding suprised. "Oh it is!" I nearly screamed " My memory is getting a bit foggy with age dear" she stuttered "It's ok Rosa I understand"

"Thank you dear, Alex has just woken up I better get to making him breakfast" "Bye Rosa" I said softly before she left. Alex's situation kind of remined me of my childhood.

While watching Mr Anton make my breakfast my phone rang "Why'd you only ever call me when you're high"
"HEYYY!" a little eager voice exclaimed as I accepted the call."Hi Alex happy birthday."I sang slightly
"I'm seven years old" he said giggled.

"You're a big boy now" I said smiling as his grandmother came on the phone "Can Alex hangout  with you and Damien  today?" She asked "Sure we'd love his company " I responded happily.

"Awesome I have a couple errands today so that's perfect" she said with great relief. I was happy that I could help her out. Damien placed a couple kisses on my forehead and placed a bouquet of sunflowers before my eyes.

"What are you writing about," Damien asked as I was jotting down some stuff in my notes app. "It's  Alex's  birthday today and he's going to enjoy it with us so I'm planning a couple activities.

"MY SONNN!" Damien exclaimed to which I laughed at because Damien has always wanted a little brother growing up but I guess now he wants a son. "Well let's go buy some gifts for him and wrap them before he arrives" Damien suggested.

"Peep peeeep" cars honked as people tried to get a parking spot luckily Damien swang in a parking spot just before someone  tried overtaking him for the spot.

The guy started swearing like crazy he was furious. He even got out hid car storming towards us but he saw Damiens strong figure and rethought his decision.

Damien opened the door for me then we heard "Snap snap snap" It was the paparazzi but we didn't bulge because  we looked great.Ww even struck a bit of poses just for fun.

As we got in ToyWorld we purchased a shiny red lightning  Mc.Queen bike it was perfect for Alex we knew he'd love it. We then bought a pack of sour patch kids and an extra large hersheys bar of chocolate it was approximately 3 feet.

We bought a spy costume and a spiderman costume for him along with an electric toy truck that he could drive. We then got neon wrapping paper that glows in the dark.

"Retro owners are home" our African gey parrot spoke. Ge always pronounced  gelli as retro, it was actually his first word.After wrapping  the costumes and sweets we placed the bike and truck in the garage.

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