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Yesterday I noticed Damien was not looking so well, I've never seen his face that red, not even when he's blushing. I was so exhausted after work that I just went straight to sleep.

The following morningI decided that it was only right to give him a call since we never had much quality time yesterday. "Good morning goddess" Damien said as he accepted the call.

"Babe can you please tell me what was bothering you yesterday?" I asked."Apparently my quote on quote uncle wants me to attend a family thanks giving at my dad's house""Wait so you're not sure if he's your uncle Damien?" I asked confused.

"Nope but I did find his Facebook profile and saw a couple photos of him with my dad some of them were childhood photos to" "Hmmm well I'm coming over at your apartment and well get more into detail bye" "Can't wait to see you love" Damien said blowing a kiss into the phone.

When I got to his apartment he'd already had breakfast made and the aromas along with the presentation was delicious "This meal looks beautiful Damien" I complemented to which  he returned a cute smile.

As we were seated eating our breakfast he told me about how his dad basically hid his family members from him including the guy that called yesterday."Damien I think you should go to the Thanksgiving and meet your family" "You think?" "Yeah maybe you might like them"

"Well if I'm going I'd want my beautiful lady to come as well"
He said blushing "Aww yes I'll go"Damien and I then washed up the dishes while dancing to Hozier in the kitchen.It felt magical our connection was wonderful and it turns out that Damien can also sing, what the he'll!

We had a little make out session before I left and it was great honestly Damien was a magnificent kisser. I was still kind of surprised about everything I heard today. But hey I was happy I'd be going with my boyfriend to his family's Thanksgiving  so I decided I'd go shopping with Yari tomorrow.

I stretched my body a bit as my bones cracked making me satisfied, I took a long bath then brushed my teeth and skipped down stairs for my breakfast just as Mr Anton rung the bell. A vegetable wrap with sushi and caramel latte with a dessert of Frozen Haute Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae.

I met up with Yari a Celeb Fashionista Fab, only  famous people could enter this store very few people actually get to step foot in, even paparazzi weren't allowed outside the building and the security was tight like there was absolutely no way of getting in if you weren't a celebrity, as we entered we saw quote a number of celebs shopping with their managers and or bodyguards.

I tried on a Louis Vuitton smock dress which fitted perfectly "You look gorgeous girlyyy!" Yari squealed with excitement. "Yeah gurl that dress suits you perfectly" Lana Del Rey "Thank you so much" I said trying not to fangirl.We then stopped by Mrs Tastefull delight and had some tea and salad while catching up on new updates in our lives.

We gave each other a hug "Hope your first Thanksgiving with Damien goes great" Yari said as I walked towards the limo "Thanks I sure hope it does" I said waving her goodbye. I decided to hang out at my restaurant for the rest of the day.

My customers were so happy to be greeted by me. Autographs and photos were taken they were all so respectful I loved them all because without customers there no business not just that, the look of satisfaction on their faces when receiving and finishing a meal made me happy.

I left around seven pm, did my self care routine then Damien and I fell asleep on a video call. I was a bit nervous for this Thanksgiving, I put my beautiful smock dress on "I hope I'm not overdressed" I laughed while my house keeper Mrs Palm helped me get dressed.

"There's no such thing as overdressed my dear" said Mrs Palm she was so gentle and fashionable she always looked classy and put together not a strand of hair was out of place. I've always aspired to look like her when I'm in my 50s.

"Damien's at the Door Moriah " Mrs Palm said knocking on my door" "Damn you look stunning Moriah I love your dress" Damien said while placing a bouquet of roses in my hands and holding on to the other leading me to his car.

"Damien's at the Door Moriah " Mrs Palm said knocking on my door" "Damn you look stunning Moriah I love your dress" Damien said while placing a bouquet of roses in my hands and holding on to the other leading me to his car

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When we showed up to Damien's dad's house we saw lots of kids running around and adults cooking."Well look at these classy people" a lady that appeared to be in her mid fourties said. "Yeah just look at how much Damien's grown oh my" a tall guy said greeting Damien.

"Hey son" a raspy voice of an old guy said "I'm Damien's dad, Vic" he said while going in for a handshake "I'm Moriah Damien's girlfriend" I greeted.A suprised look then grew on his face as he quickly tried to cancel that emotion. Damien didn't seem pleased to see his dad which I didn't blame him.

Damien was really startled by most of the people he saw. Turns out his dad has four sister and two brothers all of which he never introduced to Damien. As I walked to the bathroom I heard a bit of gossip and couldn't help but to eavesdrop.

"Yeah he's with that black bitch he's probably just using her for money anyway" "Yeah she's so beautiful but I hate her she thinks because she rich that she's better than us" I then opened the door and entered the washroom and they let out a little scream.

After using the bathroom I washed my hands and took a few pics in the mirror. But these two ladies were still there just staring at me "Uh don't you have multiple mirrors at home" she laughed and the other one said"Yeah aren't you rich go take pics in you expensive mirrors at home"

They both started laughing hysterically as I exited they blocked the entranced and one of them smacked me a cross my face with a purse. The iron hit me in the eye causing me to let out a screeching scream."Take that you dumb bitch" I heard "Yeah she's supposed to be a maid not a successful woman" the other one laughed.

Then I felt another blow across my face. I guess they then ran out the washroom because when I gained consciousness I saw Damien holding me in his arms with a black eye and scars on his arms. He place me in his car and stopped at a nearby by parking lot.

"Babe I'm so sorry that happened " he wept "I hate seeing you hurt I hate it" he said with every emotion on his voice "Those people are cruel they tried to danger us both" He said placing gentle kisses all over me which made me feel better.He drove me to his apartment and cared for my wounds and I cared for his as well, thankfully the wounds weren't so severe.

He vowed that he'd never put me in such danger again even though he had no idea that would happen. "Moriah one of the most popular restaurant owners has been spotted looking  injured" we heard on the radio.

"Four people have been arrested in suspect of attempted murder and assault " the news reporter informed "They tried to kill me!" I exclaimed.
"Good thing the cops got them because I would've gotten rid of them myself no one messes with my girlfriend" he said while massaging my back.

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