Fulfilling Dreams

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Damien's Pov...

I awoke earlier than usual today. I stood up and adored how effortlessly beautiful Moriah looked while sleeping, her  beautiful afro was sliding out of her bonnet her perfectly crafted face.

She is just A beauty I never thought I'd actually be waking up to a site as ethereal as Moriah but here I was appreciating every second of it.

Today I'm finally starting therapy which should have been done years ago but I've finally worked up the courage to do so and I think that's a great start.

I really need to do some inner child healing since I had such a chaotic childhood and somehow I thought it would never affect my adulthood but its caught up with me and its becoming overbearing.

I remember growing up I wanted to be so many stuff "Mom and dad I wanna be an astronaut" "Mom, dad I wanna be a teacher" my mind was always racing we with different careers.

However my dad would never believe in me "That's a bit too much for you son" my dad would always respond, but my mom on the other hand was the complete opposite.

"You can accomplish anything your little heart desires Damie" I always loved when she called me Damie I haven't been called Damie since her tragic death, I thought while I held a picture with my mom and I smiling happily.

Oh how I longed for a little more time with her she was truly the best mother I could have ever asked for. If I needed any kind of support I could without any doubt count on my mom.

The career I'm truly passionate about is dentistry so I'm going to dental school in a couple weeks. Which is another great start besides therapy its what my heart truly desires although I love being Moriah's personal assistant.

I know she'd be proud of me and my choices since she's such a supportive girlfriend, she really is a dream woman. I could already mentally visualize her excited face as I'm telling her my aspirations.

I kissed Moriah on the forehead as she was still asleep even after I did my whole self care routine. I put on a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and made my way to the kitchen"Good morning Mr Anton " I said " Good Morning Sir" he replied.

"Need anything I'm going to the garden" I asked " A couple tomatoes would be great" he responded " No problem" I said as I exited kitchen exited the kitchen.

I carefully picked some roses for Moriah and also picked some cherry tomatoes and placed them in the picnic basket. I must say the tomatoes were flourishing beautifully in the garden. I decided to pick a couple fresh seasonings as well.

"Hey chef I got the stuff" I placed it in the tray on the counter " Wow that's a lot of tomatoes" he said in surprise " And you picked seasoning to thank you" he smiled "Anytime Mr Anton" I nodded.

"If you wanna stay we're taking it slow baby" I heard Moriah singing My Favorite Part, by Mac Miller and Ariana Grande. "But I can make time for something so divine" I sang along it felt magical singing with her.

Her voice blended perfectly with mine "Your voice is magical" I complimented her as I was spinning her around "And if angels were real they'd definitely sound like you Damie."

Did she just say.....Damie? I think she did "What's wrong babe?" she asked baffled "Well its just that since my mom passed-" A little tear drop left my eye rolling down my cheek "Its just that my mom would always call me Damie" I smiled

"Oh if its triggering I won't call you that babe" she said rubbing my hands gently "No I think its sweet it brings back great memories babe" I said as she wiped my tear away.

"Rinnngg" the golden bell rung for breakfast. We both made the bed before heading g out for our breakfast. "Thank you Mr Anton" Mariah said with while rubbing her tummy "Thank you Mr Anton" I said while reaching for a drink of my Da-Hong Poa tea which was uniquely tasty. I then took a bite of my La Mere Poulard which  are giant omelettes, several inches thick.

After eating breakfast Mariah went about her business and I decided to journal in the front yard, it was serene listening to the birds sing and the wind blow creating beautiful melodies in my ear.

I wrote about the stuff I'm proud of accomplishing since I have quite a severe imposter syndrome. While writing I felt like a heavy burden was slowly departing.

I played my journal on the floor and stared a the clouds while laying down and I saw a heart shaped cloud which really warmed my heart. I heard a couple footsteps behind me but I was so relaxed that I just ignored them.

The person then stood in front of me
but it was just my beautiful girlfriend. I hugged her feet and kissed them as she slowly got to my level eventually laying on the grass " hey that cloud looks like heart" she almost screamed, she was definitely entranced.

"Isn't it wonderful?" I asked "With out a doubt babe" she replied. I didn't realise we were passionately kissing until bolt jumped in the middle of us."Arrf woof woof" he barked happily as if he were chairing us on "Hey Bolt" I said while I picked up a stick for him to fetch and he wanted no time running after it after all he loved a good game of fetch.

"Damien I got something special for you" Moriah said smiling really hard that it showed off he huge dimple "You do babe?" "Here you go love" she said placing a box into my hands" my eyes grew wider as I opened the box I couldn't believe my eyes when I fully opened it.

A romantic?
Don't call me that
A romantic?
I guess you showed me I can be that
Yes a romantic I am but only because of you
Like the watching g of  plants grow so does my love for you
Like the beautiful wind sweeps the
earth so does my love sweeps over you
Like the feeling of a new home so does my heart feel with you
A romantic?
That's no longer a question
You've showed me true love
True love that none could question
For that you have my heart

Love, your dearest sweetheart Moriah

"This means so much to me" I said gently hugging her " You deserve it" she said sweetly placing a kiss on my cheek.

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