Abrupt Tragedy

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I was dozing off while Mr Anton drove Damien and I to the office. Today was really cloudy it was without a doubt going to rain.
I then one hundred percent came back to reality as the limo made an abrupt stop.

The mashing of the brakes with full force caused me to hit my head at the side of the window thank goodness I had my seat belt buckled or I would've had serious injuries.

Mr Anton pulled over to the side to check the limo. In front of us were a horrific scene playing before our eyes. A truck had crashed into a pedestrian trying to cross the road" Wheeew weeee" ambulance and police sirens could be heard and soon the bright lights were visible.

I analysed an eerie object on the floor, my heart skipped a beat and I grew weak as I realised it was the pedestrian's leg at the side of the road.
Blood filled the pavement.Not too far away I could see the body of what seemed to be a woman but her dress was so bloody that I want sure if it were a man or woman.

I didn't want to see anymore of this horror so I closed my eyes shut, while Damien hugged me tightly trying to calm me down as tears were now streaming down my face. The police then offered to drop Damien and I off to our destination since Mr Anton's limo began giving problems.

Mr Anton let us know that he'd take the day off to fix his limo which was definitely understandable. As I got to the office the images of that horrifying scene kept replaying in my memory.

But I worked through it and so did Damien. I was rather silent from all thar happened this morning, usually during lunch break I'd be eating and laughing with Damien but not today.

"Babe I'm sorry you had to witness something so tragic but please put some foid in your body" he looked so concerned I could see his body trembling with worry. I just couldn't eat what he did next suprised me he fed me my lunch and made me my favourite tea.

After eating and drink or should I say being fed by the live if my life I felt like I regained some strength physically and mentally. After lunch Damien and I worked in silence until work hours finished.

I ringed up my old chauffeur to come pick us up. He arrived but acted really grumpy despite his mood I payed him extra money which replaced his grumpy face with a now smiling one.While Damien attend an online meeting in the porch an unknown number rang my phone.

I'm usually incredibly caution not to absent mindedly accept calls from unknown numbers but I had a gut feeling that this call was important. As I accepted the call I heard a shaky voice "Gramdma died" I heard a young voice say along with sniffling I could tell the child was crying uncontrollably.

I couldn't have been who I thought it was I thought to myself until I heard "My grandma Rosa is gone Moriah" a look of concern took over my face, my heart sank, I felt like I could pass out any minute.

"Babe here drink some tea" I heard a seewt voice say. I opened my eyes "I wasnt laying here before was I ?" I said rubbing my head" You sure won't I met you laying on the floor passed out babe" he said concerned "Oh my it happened"

"What happened what do you mean?"
He said hugging me and massaging my head."Well I received a call informing me that miss Risa passed away" "Oh my godness" Damien said as his eyes all most popped out of the sockets.

Later that evening...

Damien and I went for a jog in nature to clear our minds of such a horrendously unpredictable and disastrous day. We purchased a coconut, a loud "slurrrp" could be heard as I finished the last drops of coconut water "So refreshing" Damien said as he proceeded to eat the coconut jelly.

Bolt came greeting us as usual when we arrived at home just then a police car pulled up outside my home. A tall robust officer stepped out the vehicle followed by a smaller figure which was Alex. "Hi Miss moriah I need you to read this"

In case I ever pass abruptly please take special care of my grandson.I have no family left to care for Alex please don't let him be a product of the environment he grew up in. -Rosa Anne Marie.

"This kid, Alex gave me directions to your home and informed me that you were the person he's closest to" Alex looked so sad tge whole time I could tell that any minute now he wold burst into a stream of tears.

"Yes I know Alex, he can live with us he actually celebrated hus birthday with my boyfriend Damien and I" I could then a little smile flash across his little face which delighted my heart.

The policeman gave us Alex's important documents like his birth certificate. The officer gave Alex a hug and wished him a happy life. Alex waved as the officer driver off.

Damien played with Alex in the back yard while I stored his documents away safely. I never thought I'd to take care of a child well technically I'm adopting him sort of. It brought such a joy to my heart hearing Alex laugh and play with Damien.

He's definitely going to have a great time with us we'll make sure he doesn't become a product of his environment. It's definitely going to be a long ride hopefully one full of happiness.

I decided to turn on the bews " At around 9am yesterday an elderly lady identified as Rossa Anne Marie had been decapitated in a fatal accident she was produced dead upon arrival at the Saint Areal's Hospital.

The horrifying incident of yesterday replayed in my mind. This was all too much for my brain. I headed down the elevator and on the way to my spa for a well needed massage.

After the massage I felt rejuvenated which was a great relief I them spoke to my therapist about everything that's been happening and I felt like myself again.

Mr Dream GuyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя