Group Hug

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Today was Damien's first day of med school, he looked extra handsome in his grey scrubs.I gently dusted off any traces of extra threading on its and wished him good luck. Followed by a kiss I plastered on his chiseled jaw, making him blush "babe you're the best" he placed a soothing kiss on my forehead.

Today was also the day where I would be interviewing my potential next personal assistant. My eyes were wide open as I had never seen so many interviewees before, the waiting room was literally filled not one seat was vacant.

My heart was definitely filled with joy knowing that so many people wanted to work with my restaurant .I made myself a cup of green matcha tea, which I had not done for myself in forever.It tasted quite fine actually but not as good as Damien would make it haha.

"Ding dunnng" my little alarm rung as I drank the last dregs of my tea. The alarm was an indicator that interviews were about to begin, I quickly reapplied my Vaseline rosy glow lip gloss and was prepared to interview.

My first interviewee was extremely elegant and well spoken however she faced many difficulties when it came to communicating effectively. At time only giving two worded replies and head nods.

By this time I had already interviewed ten people one of which I felt would represent my company and I perfectly.

There was about a dozen more to interview, I took a break and had a medium fruit bowl from my office's refrigerator. It's been a hot minute since iv had to grab something to eat in there, usually Damien and I would go eat out during this time.

I noticed from the large blackout window that there was a young lady with a pleasant smile on her face reading the posters and certificates on the wall.

The guards also told me she was very pleasant because while I was interviewing an old lady came in asking for directions to the nearest hospital and despite her risking missing the interview she was kind enough to direct her there herself.

That attitude is what my restaurant represents, genuine kindness and much more great qualities, including giving away our extra food to those in need instead of throwing it away.

I was in great anticipation to interview her. "Good morning, I'm the best at everything I do I've worked with the best of the best plus I'm qualified and probably better than everyone who came through that room" A buff cocky guy said, I was definitely unimpressed he couldn't be serious.

He was definitely not getting the job, " If I do say so myself I'm definitely the best dressed am I not?"
He asked with his chess puffed in the air " "Mr Haywood you lack professionalism " I responded before he walked out the door.
When the door opened again I could see the pleasant lady that the guards told me about earlier on making an entrance.

I had never seen a hijab more beautiful than the one she wore. She rocked a simple but classy dress with a gold blazer and loafers. Her figure trampled over mines, her long legs extended as she sat, her feet nearly reaching under my section of the table.

She flashed a smile of absolute perfection anyone could tell she valued her appearance and hygiene as her perfume now filled the room with the sweetest fragrance.

Her voice was soothing, her responses to each question was articulate, however the only thing is she was missing one qualification which she told me she was currently working on achieving.

"You have a magnificent day miss Moriah she said as she extended her hand for a handshake, which she was the only one out of all the other interviewees to do so.

" I definitely will and I hope you do also, expect a call soon" I smiled. I had one more person to interview "wheww" I sighed in relief know ing that this was the last interviewee."

A short pale lady came into my office, she looked a bit pissed but that's life for you, I thought. She had an  unpleasant tone when she spoke, this may sound unbelievable but I myself was in utter dismay when her phone rang and she accepted the call and started chatting.

RIGHT IN FRONT MY FACE! how rude I thought, she also popped a piece of gum in her mouth chewing away as she spoke to me. She's definitely the type of woman that usually gets her own way.

She exited without any last words and slammed the door. My goodness what an unpleasant character I laughed to myself in shock. "I know I'm just a janitor but have some respect" I heard Amanda say in frustration outside.

I opened my door with twice my usual acceleration to see the  lady kicking the mop out of the way. WHAT IN THE WORLD!

"Your not just a janitor Amanda you are also a great friend and human" I hugged her reassuringly.

"And you Miss, you are very unprofessional and insane " I said signaling the security guards to escort her out of the building.

Which she caught on to and began running out the building yelling "Don't put you filthy hands on me ewwww."

I sighed a deep sigh of relief as she exited, that was definitely an interesting set of interviewees. I felt a little burden elevated of my chest.

I had two people in mind but I haven't came to a final decision just yet i would have to give it some time, maybe even a bit more time than the last interview.

I did a bit of work and reorganisation, locked up my office waved the guards and janitors good bye before I drove home.

Upon exiting my SUV Damien had also just arrived, he seemed really hyped I was greeted with a tight passionate hug, "guess what?" he asked smiling doing little happy bounces like an excited child.

"Hmmm your teacher took a great liking to your attitude and work ethic" "Close but not close enough, I actually reunited with my childhood best friend Daxton,  and we are in the same class and everything!"

He exclaimed, seeing him so elated made me happy "That's great news babe I'm beyond joyful for you" I said sweetly returning an even tighter hug.

In two days Damien and I will be taking a vacation to Istanbul, Turkey.
Alex will be staying with Yari and Nicholas since I don't trust a baby sitter with Nicholas  after all he's kind of like my son.

Today he'll be meeting Yari and Nicholas for the first time, I'm certain he's going to love them both. It's Damien and I's first time seeing Nicholas in person.

Since he's usually seen being goofy and romantic in Yari's video calls. "Mom look at my outfit please" I heard the cutest voice say.

I have been noticing this past week that Alex really loves fashion, he wore a pollo pullover, black jeans and an Adidas Bad Bunny shoes with his favourite astronaut backpack.

"Alex you look like a model son!"
I exclaimed to which he started doing a little happy dance followed by a loving hug."I'm so happy I wasn't placed in an orphanage that day" he smiled.

Damien then entered the room "Aww" he said at the sight of us.
"I love my mommy and my daddy"
Alex smiled widely, bringing us all in for a family group hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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