14: I Get It, He's Hot

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''But what do I know?''

The next morning, Rose was on her way to meet with Professor Green after the latter had urgently requested her to. It would be an understatement to say that Rose was not looking forward to it.

After she entered her dorm Last night, her roommates had noticed right away that something was wrong. They were nice enough to comfort her as she explained what had happened and they had also suggested that it would be wise if Rose discussed the matter with either headmistress Dowling or Professor Green.

Even though Rose agreed with them, actually doing it seemed to be the hardest step. She was still thinking about how to explain everything to Professor Green as she stood in front of the classroom.

Rose was about to reach for the door but let out a gasp in surprise as the door already flung open. Professor Green was standing in her direct line of vision, her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

'Please, enter, miss Lindor.', She said as she moved to sit behind the desk that was placed in the front of the classroom.

Rose took a deep breath before entering. Taking a seat at one of the tables in the front row, she searched for the right words to say while her heart was beating loudly in her chest.

'I'm sorry for rushing off yesterday.', Rose opened up but she seemed to have picked out the wrong words as an annoyed look appeared on Professor Green's face.

'Rushing off?', she scoffed. 'That's what you're calling it? You practically fled the classroom in a panicked state. Do you have any idea what could've happened?'

The harsh tone in her words made Rose flinch a little. She understood that Professor Green wasn't too happy with her actions, but was what happened really that bad? 'I guess I don't.', Rose mumbled as she avoided Professor Green's gaze.

She could hear the Professor let out a sigh before she softened her tone as she spoke up again. 'Are you aware of what happened last night, miss Lindor?'

'I lost control.', Rose acknowledged as she looked up at her.

'Quite the opposite actually.', Professor Green started, earning a surprised look from Rose. 'You summoned a really large portion of your magic and restrained it from being released. It takes a huge amount of control to manage that.'

Rose couldn't believe what she was hearing. Yesterday, she felt anything but in control. 'I'm sorry to say this, but I really don't think that is what happened.', Rose disagreed.

'I'm not surprised to hear that, as this was probably the first time something like this happened to you, but, as a professor, I do think I have a better understanding of what happened than you. What you did was very dangerous. If you had lost control, if you had let out all the pent up magic, it could've damaged the whole school and everyone in it.', Professor Green revealed as she folded her hands on the desk in front of her. 'Luckily that didn't happen as the school still stands. Do you understand now?'

Rose didn't. she didn't understand at all what Professor Green was talking about. Clearly, it was showing on her face as the latter continued explaining.

'Rose, you're afraid of you own magic but you managed to summon it anyway. In your fear, you stopped yourself from releasing it but at that point, that was a really dangerous thing to do. Tell me, did your skin start glowing afterwards?'

Rose's mind had trouble catching up with everything Professor Green was telling her but she managed to answer the question. 'Yes, it did. Like little glowing spots moving just underneath my skin.'

Professor Green nodded, as if she understood what Rose was talking about. 'The glowing spots, as you call them, that was your magic. It spread through your body as it wasn't released. I presume that in your fear, the magic increased, it probably kept building up. What I don't understand is how you managed to control it. How did you let go of the magic?'

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