Time and Time Again

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Hope everyone has had a good weekend. Sorry I was away, I was celebrating the holiday with my family and eating way more food than I should have. But I had a great time so I really can't complain!

Being very not in the holiday spirit, we return to Snape and Penny still at odds as she tries to figure out how to help Draco and he struggles the task he MUST SOON COMPLETEEE. Goddd, I don't want to write it, but I must :(


Penny looked upon the expanse before her, feeling disturbingly insignificant in its wake. The thought of the paths being as endless as time unsettled her. It felt far too easy to lose herself in the nothingness of it all.

"I don't like it," Penny admitted, glancing sideways at Adrian.

"That is because you don't understand it."

"I understand it's not natural."

"Not familiar," he corrected.


"Time, Penny, is merely the thing that links all our choices together. It is a pathway, one that seers have learned to traverse."

"What does time have to do with this?"

"Time is what you're looking at."

"I thought I was looking at the paths."

"They are one and the same."

"Because if I tried to walk across it it'd be a giant waste of time?"

"If you did so without a purpose, yes," he said, smiling despite himself. "It'll be easier to understand if you try."

"I won't end up back in the inbetween will I?" Penny said, glancing nervously at him.

"Don't you trust me, Penny?" he said, poking her in the side and feigning an expression of deepest despair.

"It's nothing against you, I've just come to accept all the bad luck in the world has decided to converge on me."

"Then I suppose I'll just have to be your good luck charm then."

"At your own risk," she grimaced.

Ignoring her, he took a gentle hold of her shoulders and led Penny forward, positioning himself just behind her. "When you look across the plane, do not allow your eyes to dictate what you see, tell them to look beyond."

Penny suppressed a snort of laughter, the command felt obscenely absurd, but given they were even standing on this plane to begin with, there was probably some merit to his instructions.

For a long while, Penny stared, not even allowing herself to blink, Adrian waiting patiently beside her. The scene before her remained stubbornly unchanged, except for the fact it got a bit blurry as her eyes began to protest. Ready to throw in the towel with a juvenile stamp of her foot, Penny made to rub her eyes just when everything around her shifted.

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