Chapter 22

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                             Read my friends book now! well not now after you read this hehe thankyou so much for all your support i love you all ! xx

"Oh yeah?" I challenged him. I've always known Austin was a trouble maker and a really big one at that so somehow i don't think what ever he did now would surprise me.

"Stand here any longer and anyone could come by" Drerek said still holding my wrists tightly together.

"Wow Derek you're not as dumb as you look" I rolled my eyes. He squeezed my wrists tighter pinching the skin underneath his hands, i winced.

"Let's get her back to the house" The leader nodded as he un folded his arms. He gestured to Derek to let me go and just as i was about to make a break for it, the guy grabbed my arm and pulled me along to his car.

This was not the best time to start hyperventilating but you know what? i did, of course. My hands shook as he literally shoved me in the car and closed the door, i reached for the door handle but looked up to see Derek smirking at me on the other side of the window. The leader guy got in the drivers seat and locked the doors allowing me no escape.

"W-where are you taking me?" I stuttered, i couldn't be a smart ass anymore i didn't know what to do.

"Now that would be stupid for me to tell you" He and the rest of the gang raced out of the block of land and onto the streets transforming from tough racers to a bunch of normal people.

"Well someone must've hit you on the head, remember some dude took my phone?" Okay stuff the fact that i couldn't be a smart ass it was pretty funny.

After my retort i got no reply, for the first what seemed like 20 minutes everything was familiar and i tried to figure out where we were but after that everything turned confusing and i didn't know where we were. We were driving through a quiet street after being in the car for at least 2 hours when the car stopped. At this point in time i really had to pee like seriously.

"So we're here?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah" He replied unlocking the doors. I quickly opened mine and stepped out.

I briefly looked at the 5 guys before running into the already unlocked house and searched for a bathroom. I started on the left side and opened many doors with different guys and girls until i finally opened one to a bathroom.

Once i did my business i walked out to the living room where i heard noise, the five creepy guys were sitting down with three others. "Finished?" The leader cocked an eyebrow.

"No" I waved my hand as if i was swatting a fly. "I stopped halfway through just to tell you how happy i am"

"Nice one Avery" He said my name. Ew. "Take her upstairs" He gestured to the stairs as he looked to the guys. They all nodded and stood up.

"This is going to be a long day" I rolled my eyes and felt one of them wrap their hands around my arms.

"Not day hunny, it depends how long it takes your boyfriend to figure out you're gone" The leader chuckled.

"He's not stupid" I tried to calm myself down. I couldn't last here more than a day, this place freaked me out a bit.

"Oh i know but once he figures it out, he'll have to find you but before that he'll have to make a plan" His words almost caused me to have a heart attack. This was real. No more playing around Avery.

I stayed quiet as the 4 guys led me upstairs and into an empty room. Well it wasn't entirely empty i mean there was a comfy chair right in the middle, note the sarcasm. The guy behind me pushed me onto the wooden chair and i immediately felt uncomfortable. He tied my arms too the chair, ah this guy is smart and tied my legs to the chair, having me left to spread them which made me feel exposed to the 4 guys.

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