02. winx saga & thai food

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it's been 7 months since the cast of wednesday started filming, and it has been once of the greatest experiences ever.

emma and harley had just came back from getting thai food for everyone, and they were heading up to georgie and percy's room which was on the highest level.

when they walked inside, since they never locked their door harley spotted the two all cozy on their couch. "thai food is here." emma called out.

"can you just bring it over here please?" georgie said. "no, come get it youself brit." harley said. "but we don't want to miss the show." percy whined.

"what are you guys watching anyway." harley said as her and emma walked over with 4 containers.

"oh my gosh." harley said, her jaw dropping. they were watching the live action version of the winx saga. which harley stared in, as beatrix.

she watches as she watched herself use her powers on the tv, she never watched her own work, unless she wanted to see someone else. like when she watched little women just to see timothee and emma.

"well i'll be eating in here." emma said sitting on the couch, starting to eat after handing the boys their food.

"this...this is weird." harley said as she watched her friends enjoy her netflix show. "what is up party people!" a voice said loudly.

harley turned and saw oliver, joy, hunter, jenna, basically everyone. "so, we heard there's a winx saga live action watch party and we have the villain aka beatrix with us, hell ya." joy said.

"what if i just jump out this window." harley muttered to herself.

the whole cast was in georgie and percy's living room, watching her face on the tv. what the hell.

"change of plans. i'm tired." harley said leaving the room.

she didn't really mind her co-stars watching one of her projects.

but some of them were really high actors. all of them have been in popular projects, so has she but still. harley felt like she was only known because of her last name.

she felt as if they would judge and criticize her. she's never taken criticism well.

so harley sat on her bed eating her thai food, as she scrolled on instagram. someone knocked on her door in a pattern. "just open it." she said.

georgie walked inside her room, with his food in his hand. "we were just watching it because percy really likes the winx saga and we finished the animated version." georgie said.

"it's fine, i'm not offended." harley said. "so why'd you walk out?" georgie asked. "i was afraid of being judged, my acting skills weren't the best a few years ago. that was pre acting classes."

"we wouldn't judge you harley. not ever. and besides, i wish i was like that before acting classes." georgie said, his british accent coming out more. "why are you smiling like that." he said again.

"your accent's really cute." she said laughing. "you always say that even though you have the same one, now move over. let's watch addams family values." he said.


"you know you snore right." emma said as she shook georgie. he hummed as he woke up. "oh yea shocker, you fell asleep with harley. except she's already started to get ready." emma said.

"again, you snore." she said crossing her arms. "oh, my bad. uh tell harley i said bye." georgie said half asleep, getting out of harley's bed.

georgie scratched his head as he walked up the steps to get to his and percy's room. "sleeping with your crush now, are we?" percy said as soon as georgie walked in.

georgie rushed to cover percy's mouth. "you're loud, the door isn't even closed." georgie said, then going back to close the door.

yes, georgie farmer had a crush on harley hiddleston. only oliver and percy knew. they've only been filming for 7 months, and georgie was already head over heels for someone.

it all started when they had to film a scene where ajax and anastasia were walking across the quad.

harley had tripped over one of the cords for the camera and was about to fall when georgie caught her.

they were so close and her hands were on his biceps, and the smile she flashed when she realized georgie had caught her was it for him.

georgie was massively jealous of percy because he got to flirt with harley and see her smile, while georgie was stuck playing her best friend.

"we were just watching something then fell asleep, it's not that serious." georgie said. "well hurry up and shower. we have to get to set. and today's the start rave'n scene." percy said.

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