03. rave'n & friendzones

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harlhiddleston my girl is a slut fr

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my girl is a slut fr


user27: is this for a show

ememyers: do you need a maid?
^percy: i do
^harlhiddleston: she was talking to me, and yes pookie i do

user473: bi bi bi?

robertdowneyjr: oh hell no
^scarlettjohannson: let the poor girl live
^tomhiddleston: no
^chrisevans: no
^sebastianstan: no
^chrishemsworth: no
^tomholland: no
^harlhiddleston: dude tomholland we're practically the same age

georgiebleu: 😍😍😍
^oliverdwatson: L rizz
^percy: georgie....
^harlhiddleston: thank you curious george you looked 😍😍😍 too
^jdiaswatson: i sense sexual tension....
^jennaortega: so it's not just me?

user838: georley?

^harlhiddleston: oh
^user582: harley...are in you in it...

^jennaortega: that was my twin henna
^harlhiddleston: same her name is jarley

percy: all white?
^harlhiddleston: all white?


"dude, ill be ajax and you can be xavier. that way you'll have a reason to flirt with her." percy said.

"dude, do you want me to punch you?" georgie said mocking his friend.

they are sitting in oil's trailer, with georgie spinning his white beanie on his finger.

then harley walked in pulling her dress down. "ugh, i can't even ruffle your hair." she said frowing at georgie's hair pulled down.

"look at that mate, she wants to pull your hair." oliver said smirking. "oh my gosh, not like that." harley said face palming.

"that fake fake blood better taste good." percy said. "i hope, it has to go in my mouth." harley said hopping onto the couch, putting her legs on georgie.

"are we not gonna talk about why your character is slurping up blood?" oli said.

"she's a vampire dingus." georgie said. "at least someone pays attention." harley said.

"his character is literally best friends with yours, thank makes you guys literal best friends." oli said.

"or more." percy whispered. "huh?" harley said to percy. "oh me? nothing." percy spoke.

"i think it's about time." percy said checking his watch. "come on then." georgie said standing up and immediately walking out.

"what's his deal?" harley said. "no idea." oli said. of course he knew, georgie couldn't be around harley for more than 3 seconds, and everyone knew it but her.


they were filming jenna's dance scene, which was so freaking cool.

harley was watching, and she was having way too much fun. the scenes for the rave'n were honestly really fun to film.

once they got the final take for the dance scene, tim said they were gonna film a little xavier and anastasia scene.

first harley was with georgie, and then tim said action. "hey ajax, uh i'm gonna get punch." harley said, looking at percy who was acting sad.

the camera panned over to him and back to georgie and harley. georgie followed harley's eyeline, looking at percy. "yea punch, you're sure gonna be drinking something." georgie said winking.

harley rolled her eyes at georgie, which wasn't even in the script. the camera followed harley as she walked across the set to percy.

"well what's your deal?" harley said. "nothing." percy said.

"you're boring," harley said smiling, holding out her hand. "is the anastasia kent asking me xavier thorpe to dance?" percy said smirking.

"unfortunately, please do something this is way out of my nature." harley said looking around.

percy grabbed her hand. "let's dance annie." percy said as he stood up.

percy twirled harley around as she laughed. they just dance normally since they weren't told a specific way to dance.

georgie stared at them angrily, how come percy got to dance with her but he couldn't. it wasn't fair at all.

then tim called out for the sprinklers to let out the fake blood. it splattered everywhere over all the people.

the camera panned over for jenna as she ate it, and said her line. it went over to harley who had her mouth open and was spinning around happily.

she spit it out suddenly. "that's not blood! ugh! assholes." harley said stomping her foot, where she slipped and fell into percy's arms.

harley got up quickly. mostly because she hated being near percy and because it was also in the script.


"come in" georgie said as he heard two knocks on his trailer door.

"hey georgie, uh i gotta talk to you." harley said sitting on his counter.

"so, i don't know if you heard. but there's a rumor that you like me?" harley said.

georgie's eyebrows raised and somehow his mouth became dry. "and that i like you." harley finished.

"uh, harley-" georgie started. "no no, it's fine. i just wanted to tell you that i would never ruin our friendship like that. we're best friends."

georgie's heart sank. he never wanted to cry so much in his life.

"oh, yea. best friends. so like never anything more, never ever." georgie said.

"yup, well i'm gonna go. we're all going to an arcade and bowling. you coming?" harley said.

"nah, i'm gonna head to my room." georgie said on the verge of tears.

"oh..do you want me to stay with yo-" harley offered. "no, i'd rather be alone." georgie cut her off.

"o...kay? see you tomorrow." she said leaving and waving.

georgie grabbed his phone and his bookbag. he locked his trailer as he put his blue hood over his head.

he walked slowly towards where all the drivers were parked, in the dark with a few lights shining.

he wiped a tear as he sniffled. best friends. and that's all harley and georgie will ever be. nothing more.

nayah speaks

justice for georgie

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