38. blame

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harley shot up in her bed, rubbing her throbbing forehead.

she had spent all night drinking, illegally, all because of stress.

it had been two months since georgie broke up with harley, and two months of her blaming herself.

georgie didn't like how harley ghosted him, and even when they did talk again, she was always so busy.

since then she's been having a recurring dream of her breaking up with georgie, and all of her friends supporting her through it.

wednesday and enid have been given to harley's family, since she couldn't stand seeing them in her apartment knowing that georgie got them for her.

they were still small, and harley didn't want to let them go. but she knew to move on, she had no choice.

her apartment was quiet, there was no barking, no noise of harley learning lines with music.


just harley and her thoughts, the thoughts of what she had to do today, the pictures she had to post today, of georgie.

"harley stop it." harley said hitting her self, as she got up to take tylenol.

"he's not worth the stress." harley shook her head.

suddenly someone knocked on the door, harley sighed as she walked to the apartment door, scratching her messed up hair in the process.

harley didn't even look through the peephole, she didn't care who was at the door, even if it was a robber.

"what." harley said fully opening her eyes as she saw the person in front of her.

"i thought johnna was kidding when she said you look like a caveman." the person said.

harley rubbed her eyes, not having her glasses or contacts caused her vision to be slightly blurry.

"elisha?" harley said recognizing the voice. "and precious." precious said.

"you guys come inside, i have to get my glasses." harley said closing the door.

harley quickly went to her room getting her glasses, secretly praying she didn't let strangers into her apartment.

when she came back she saw elisha and precious sitting in her kitchen.

"oh my gosh." she said when she spotted two of her favorite people.

even though they hated each other in the winx saga, everyone in the cast bonded, and luckily precious and elisha were nearby.

"how did you guys...i have so many questions." harley said sitting down next to them.

"well, johnna and i went to school together and she called me up knowing we were in fate together, asked us to check up on you." precious said.

"and she told us about your recurring nightmare, and that...i can't even say his name." elisha said, fake gagging.

"it's fine, i don't mind. it's not like he wasn't apart of my life at a point." harley said.

"but, enough ugly boy talk. what's going on with you, you just got out of a relationship, not get run over by a train." precious said.


"but that's why we're here obviously." precious said doing jazz hands.

"nice apartment by the way, but it kinda doesn't scream you." elisha said.

"what?" harley asked.

"there's no color, no kpop stuff, no nothing. where's all the artic monkeys. harley your apartment looks like a white horse pooped in it."

"well now that blank...is out the way since he obviously has anger issues. we can help."

"guys, stop blanking him. it's my fault okay, i just didn't call him, i texted him sometimes but it wasn't enough for him. and i knew that, he liked long conversations but i just didn't have time so it's my fault. i should've made time."

"harley, why do you always blame yourself for everything. you blamed yourself when you messed up your own dying scene when the crew forgot to lift your harness." precious said.

harley stayed quiet, as she kicked her legs back and forth in her chair.

"let's go, we need to get all of these crap out of you head. we're gonna have a fate day, minus everyone else." elisha said.

"but first we have to fix you up, cause you look like a lion."

harley laughed for the first time in a while, "that i can agree with."

nayah speaks !

who's fault do you think it is?

harley, georgie, or someone else?!

also the joy i found in watching you guys get mad at harley is actually insane. i fell asleep laughing

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