11. secret santa

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double uploads?? w nayah fr

"who's fucking idea was this?" johnna said as everyone sat in the living room of oliver's apartment.

"your brother's." oliver said walking in with a black top hat.

"i used to love british accents, but you make me hate them." harley said.

oliver had made them get out their beds at 9 pm, for some emergency meeting.

"so..as you know it's christmas time. so we're doing secret santa because i said so." oliver said sitting down.

"dude, it's freezing." georgie said as he wrapped the blanket him and harley were sharing closer around him.

"anyway, we're all going to pick a name. don't say it out loud, or don't tell anyone." oliver said shaking the hat.

he stood up and walked around going in the line of people. "what if i pick nothing." calum, who plays rowan said.

"then get out." moosa said and harley covered her mouth.

"respect." percy said holding out his fist and fist bumping moosa.

harley opened her paper, to reveal georgie's name.

crap, she didn't want to get him. not because she hated him but because she knew she was going to want to get him the most perfect gift.

"okay! now. i want us to all meet up the week we're meant to leave for christmas. but on that monday. at 6:30 pm. and someone has to buy matching pjs." oliver said.

everyone looked at harley. "absolutely not." she said shaking her head. "you have so much money. you're still getting money from being in bubble guppies." percy said.

"stop spreading my business." harley groaned. "fine, i'll get the stupid pjs. only because i get to pick them." she smirked.

"great. em, harls can we meet at yours. you have the best decorated apartment." oli said.

"woo!" harley shouted and her and emma high fived. "duh, i mean who wouldn't want to be in our apartment." emma said.

once everyone seperated percy and georgie were the last still outside of the apartment since they were all the way at the top.

"who'd you get." percy whispered. georgie waited until they got inside the apartment to reply.

"i got harley."


what to get the guy you like?

what do 20 year old guys want for christmas?

gift ideas

do i like him

what to do when you get your crush for secret santa?

am i crushing?

am i in love?

secret santa gifts for your crush

do i make a move?

crush gifts

"google you're no help." harley said groaning as she turned off her phone.

"I HATE HAVING CRUSHES!" harley yelled out, a bit angry.

"crush? i heard crush. 911?" emma said bursting into harley's room.

harley nodded, and emma closed the door and sat next to her friend on the bed.

"okay what's up, talk to me babe." emma said.

"i know you're probably gonna say you knew, but i like georgie. and i have for 2 months now, but i pushed my feelings away because i hate having crushes. they just, complicate my life i feel,"

"but recently, those feelings started to come back. and now i can't push them down. i have a crush on him, and it's genuinely stressing me out. now i got him for secret santa. i don't care that i'm not supposed to tell you because i have no idea what to get him,"

"i already stress when gifting people stuff, and now that i'm gifting someoen i have romantic feelings for. i'm going to try my hardest to make sure the gift is perfect."

"harls, you need to think. you need to take a breather and just think. this is georgie we're talking about." emma started.

"he's grateful for anything and everything. whenever we go out he says please and thank you for asking for stuff, he's the sweetest person ever."

"and ge loves the smallest things. and from you? he adores it. you could get him a pair of socks and he would love it. so as for gifts, just get him something you know he would like, and if anything just ask percy."

"also, for the crushing thing, i always knew it. you're pretty oblivious. but he really likes you harls. we can all tell. but georgie's really shy, and he's not gonna say anything. so you're gonna have to give him hints if you want to ever be with him." emma said.

harley sighed, emma was right, about every hint. the gifts, and her and georgie's relationship.

"i'm so glad you ran up to be on the first day emma myers, cause i think everyone needs one of you." harley said and pulled emma in for a very tight hug.

nayah speaks !


harley finally admitting her feelings

georley is striving yall !!

and they got each other for secret santa, very hyped

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