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it was november 16, and the day of the wednesday red carpet and premiere event, which harley was driving to.

many celebrities were invited, some who harley had worked with and was excited to meet again.

harley wore a dark burgundy dress, with streaks of black glitter in it. it was paired with black sparkly heels, as well as her natural ginger hair.

"here we go." harley said as she stepped out of her limo.

as soon as she stepped out, the whole place cheered, with paparazzi turning to take photos and some people waving to her.

"hi!" harley said waving to people. she immediately saw florence pough, her favorite person.

"flo!" harley shouted running over to her. "harley, my british baby. how are you?" flo asked.

"i'm good, i'm just kinda tired. i had two premiers in september, and i have some auditions. working hard!" harley said.

"that's my girl, now i think you're needed on the carpet. i'll talk to you at the after party babe!" flo said to harley.

she smiled as she walked onto the red carpet, people taking photos of her and yelling at her to turn this way.

the flashes were annoying, but after years she's got used to it, and learned how to tune out everyone yelling at her so it was just her doing what she needed to do.

after, she moved over to one of the interviewers who offered to interview her.

after about 2 interviews, harley saw jenna and emma who were talking together.

"the wednesday and enid to my anastasia!" harley shouted out.

emma and jenna turned and then ran to hug harley.

"your dress, oh my gosh. it's just like anastasia!" emma shouted.

"i love both your dresses, you guys can rock anything to be honest." harley said.

"girls! can i get a photo?" a photographer yelled at them.

"no freedom." jenna sighed as the three went to the carpet.

jenna stood in the middle, and emma and harley stood at her sides, sort of how they shot their promo photos.

"okay guys, i'm gonna go and get all my interviews over with." harley said walking to another interview.

"that's so smart.." emma said as harley walked away.

she spotted young hollywood and quickly went over there. "hi!" she said when she interviewer saw her.

"hi harley, how are you?" she asked. "i'm good, you?"

"i'm great thanks for asking. now how do you feel about finally having wednesday done. and i love your dress!"

"thank you so much, and i'm kinda sad but happy wednesday is done. filming was so much fun, the special effects were very cool as well. the cast made it fun too, we were always goofing off."

"that seems amazing, now what was one of your favorite parts of filming."

"i think hanging on set in between scenes, or it was the secret santa that we did for christmas. or my vampire fangs, that i had to get in every morning, and i couldn't eat in between scenes because i had the teeth in."

the interviewer laughed, "so what can viewers expect from your character, anastasia?"

"a lot of sass, and also her interesting backstory. it really shows why is she is the way how she is, and her relationship with ajax. i can't remember if they were childhood friends or just friends for years, but they have a great relationship. and you'll see a lot of red, and her powers which i'm she haven't been shown yet."

suddenly georgie came into the frame, wrapping his arm around harley's waist.

"guys, we have 2022's it couple right here."  georgie and harley laughed, since people have been saying that for months.

"how long have you guys been dating?"

"11 months now, because we started dating in january so around 11 months." georgie said.

"i think it's funny because our characters are best friends, and we're obviously not." harley said.

"okay now, final question i always ask to couples. is there something that defines your relationship, like a symbol."

"octopus, it's the stuffed animal i got her on our date when i asked harley to be my girlfriend." georgie said, kissing harley's cheek.

"and a song." georgie said.

"knee socks, by artic monkeys. it shows the ups and downs of our relationship. and just how much i love georgie." "and i love you too harls."

nayah speaks !




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