14. in love

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the whole beginning of this chapter gives of like me from teen beach movie vibes

"guys i don't think i need all of you to help me get ready for my date." harley said as naomi shoved her into a vanity chair.

"since you decided to shower late. we do." joy said.

all the girls were in johnna and naomi's apartment, helping harley get ready for her date, even though she didn't request it at all.

jenna was doing her makeup since she knew how harley liked it.

concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and curling her eyelashes. highlight ever now and then and then lip gloss. very simple.

emma was doing her hair, while joy, johnna, and naomi were choosing her outfit.

georgie was in the same boat. somehow oli dragged percy to look for his outfit while calum and hunter made sure his car was clean.

"he's gonna be flabbergasted when he sees you. you're. gonna have a great time harls." johnna said.

"but what if i do something wrong?" she said as she sat still as jenna put on the eyeliner.

"it's georgie, he loves everything you do." naomi said. "if only i found a guy like that." emma whispered.

"you're gonna be fine, chill." percy said and georgie played with his hair.

"what if i screw up. i don't think i could force her to do anything more than go on a date with me." georgie flipped onto his bed.

"georgie you didn't force her. you asked and she said yes." oli said. "i know but-"

"nope. shut up and put this on." oli said throwing an outfit him and percy put together.


"you look sharp georgie ."

"you look so hot harls."

"now to our there and get your boyfriend. and have fun." joy said.

"if he does anything i'll pull a wednesday and dump piranhas in his bath." jenna said.

"i love you guys."

"georgie, if you break harlem's heart. i will kill you." percy said.

"you literally bully her all the time. why do you care. it's not like i will anyway."

"it's part of our siblingship. which is kind of weird because we play love interests. even though it makes her not want to be around me and kill me. i love her. as a sibling." percy said.

"whatever:" georgie said picking up the bouquet of carnations he had bought.

"are you sure she likes carnations?" oli said. "she never stops talking about how pretty thy are, and took a test on buzzfeed for what flower are you and got carnation."

"okay man. now go get 'em." calum said. "and keep your car clean."  hunter scoffed as georgie left the apartment, very nervous.

"oli said he just left the apartment." johnna said as her brother texted her.

"okay he's coming down now." joy said. "remeber, georgie love anything and everything. do not change how you act." emma said.

then there was a knock on the door. harley suddenly got nervous, and jenna put a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

harley walked up and opened the door where georgie stood with a carnation bouquet.

"hey duck." georgie practically whispered. "you okay?" harley said, georgie looked almost pale.

"i-i am. just, starstruck how you still look good in layers."

"thank you georgie, it was all the girls." said harley and georgie looked at the girls inside of the room.

"oh i got you some carnations. you can uh, put them in a vase later if you want to." georgie said.

"of course i will. they're from you, and they're carnations." harley said, her british accent coming out in nervousness.

harley covered her mouth in shock, and she put the flowers down quickly.

"well that was the cutest thing ever." georgie said as he held out his arm for harley to grab.

"stop it." harley laughed as she linked her arm with georgie's.


"that was a very interesting car ride." georgie said. they were jamming out to music the whole time, christmas music.

"with you, it always is." harley said smirking. can anyone be more perfect?

georgie got out the car, going over to the other side to open the door for harley.

"look at you gentleman." harley said as she stepped out the car.

harley linked arms with georgie, as they walked towards the fair.

they were both really nervous, and you can tell how harley's british accent from her dad suddenly appeared.

"oh my gosh, they have ice skating! please please, can we ice skate!"

"duck. i can't skate." georgie admitted. "don't worry, i'll teach you."

"you know how to skate?" "my moms canadian, once i learned how to walk i learned how to skate."

"fine." georgie said, anything to make harley happy.

they told the lady at front their sizes, and then sat down to put on their skates.

harley when onto the ice, spinning around. "harls, a little help here." georgie said as he crawled on the floor.

"oh georgie. i didn't know you were that bad." harley said laughing as she came to help georgie up.

"shut up." georgie muttered. harley got georgie on the ice and he immediately started fumbling.

he quickly grabbed the edge as harley laughed at him.

"okay just grab my hand." harley said and georgie reached out.

harley skated, and georgie followed. "okay, now. ready i'm letting go."

"what-harley!" georgie yelled and he started loosing his balance.

georgie grabbed harley's hand, but fell back anyways, causing harley to fall right on top of him. (nayah: i'm so cliche and i do not care)

"interesting position you fell in." georgie said as he put his hands behind his head.

"you are so annoying." harley said as she rolled offf of georgie, the both of them laughing.

and as georgie watched harley laugh, and skate beautifully, he realized it, the thing he swore wasnt true.

he was in love with harley hiddleston.

nayah speaks !

georgie's in loveeee

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