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💕Jimin x Reader
✏️ Fluff and Smut, Idol x Idol AU
⚠️Explicit smut

You watch him while he unbuttons his shirt, unsure on what to do. This time you feel different. Your mind engraves in flames the lines of his exposed skin at the collarbones, lowering down with every button that loses connection from the other side of the clothes that cover him. Every inch of him defining perfection for you. His face with those sharp yet sweet eyes, the line of his nose to his cute cupid bow and puffy lips. Those lips you so much crave against yours.

His chin takes your eyes to his jawline when he tilts his head, looking to the side, through the open door of his room. Panicking, he walks away from you to close and lock it from the inside, making sure you aren’t disturbed in your intimate moment. One of those little exploring moments that make your skin raise in goosebumps every time you think about them the posterior days. 

It isn’t the first time he loses his shirt while you make out, but he’s always reluctant to do anything with your clothes. You can only guess why. For you, it wasn’t so long ago when the kisses started to intensify, and in your case the prospect of escalating further, gives you a slight vertigo. Barely able to catch up with the speed your heart hits when his tongue dances over yours, you are sure if the palpitations reach any higher, it could explode.

One afternoon, you touched his bottom lip with your thumb as you were straddling over his thighs being playful and he bit on it while his big eyes pinned on you with desire. His hands moved from the hem of your skirt, where he had been drawing an invisible line, placing the tip of his finger underneath the plain grey fabric towards your cheeks, before he slowly approached you with slightly parted lips. That was as far as he had gotten underneath your clothes. 

It’s not like you are prude because at the end of the day you’ve had memorable sex talks with metaphors that have had you on the ground rolling with laughter. You know how it’s supposed to happen, the technicism of it all, what goes where and what does what. But you just haven’t experienced them yet. All the blueprints are on the table and the project has just begun. You two simply don’t rush things.

Although Jimin has done plenty of it before meeting you; as a couple and in the present, you are in the experimental phase. That is his habit, experimenting, but he seems to draw the line at the exact time things can become overwhelming for you. Making sure to respect your boundaries even if he has the intention to push a little bit forward, making you feel completely safe and comfortable with him. Your nerves have nothing to do with unwillingness but rather your lack of experience.

He walks back to you and sits right in front of you on the bed, his hands resting flat on your thighs and you appreciate the touch of his soft skin. Leaning forward, his lips meet with yours, slowly, until you catch the pace, and his hands slide to the sides of your thighs timidly grabbing at your skin. When he dares to slide his tongue inside your mouth while one hand moves to your nape and the other to your hip, you instinctively take a step further led by desire. Your hands, initially on his chest, go to his nape and hair, entangling and attracting him towards you. 

The kiss becomes slightly breathy, with him trying to keep it lighter than you are allowing because at this point his dick feels painfully restrained by the very tight jeans. ‘I should have known better’ he thinks. Then you do what he wasn’t prepared to endure at this moment, you straddle his lap. The heat coming from the lower part of your body and the way you move to mould to his erection with your still covered core triggers him.

The hand on your hip presses more firmly and the one at your nape pulls you closer. He devours you, lips pressed against yours as if they want to change their shape by imprinting yours in them, and his tongue slides from one of your fangs to the other from the back of your palate, leaving you breathless. His body moulds to yours with his chiselled chest against yours and you feel dazed by the sensations and the energy his body pulsates against yours. 

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